
Insightful Data to Fuel Technology Pipeline Growth

Accurate contact and firmographic data for better market insights and real-time intent signals to see what technology sales leads are using and who’s ready to buy — all in one platform.


Enriched DaaS for Better Leads & Scalable Targeting

Comprehensive, tailored datasets for in-depth TAM analysis to expand your potential market, identify new technology sales leads, and convert prospects into pipeline.


Top-notch insights

Access high-quality data, insights, integrations, and features. Find the right stakeholders and their contact information to increase your pipeline and close deals.


Make an impact

Spend less time researching and more time closing. Access customer insights and get visibility into buyer needs for marketing, sales, and customer success.


Enriched at scale

Optimize sales productivity with clean, custom datasets that easily integrate into your tech stack. Discover everything about your prospects, including the technologies they use — all in one place.

Designed & Built for Today’s Technology Industry

Identify top accounts, stay ahead of competitors, and have meaningful conversations using actionable, automated go-to-market motions.

  • Data-as-a-Service


    Quality data, insights, and integrations at your fingertips, including ZoomInfo Enterprise APIs. We build custom datasets for your total addressable market to meet your pipeline goals.

  • Signals Into Actions

    Signals Into Actions

    Optimize outreach with automation and genAI. Identify and reach best-fit accounts with tailored messaging, when they are in-market or ready to buy, with ZoomInfo Intent and Workflows.

  • Data Enrichment

    Data Enrichment

    Ensure your database is formatted and structured with accurate, enriched data. Spend less time researching and scoring technology leads. Be ready for faster action when an opportunity occurs.


Customers love ZoomInfo

Voted #1 by customers on G2 in multiple categories

G2, the world’s leading business software review platform ranks ZoomInfo #1 in over 28 categories including: Buyer Intent, Marketing Account Intelligence, Sales Intelligence, and Sales Engagement.


Case Studies

Real Cases. Real Results.

ZoomInfo data transformed the following technology companies by boosting pipeline and reducing spend for remarkable revenue growth.

Ready to own your market?