Logistics & Transportation

Accurate Data to Drive Logistics Growth & Success

Gain a competitive edge in the logistics market with comprehensive contact, company, and customer intent data. Unlock insights, automate outreach, and connect faster with more transportation customers.


Grow Your Market Presence

Identify the right logistics leads and decision-makers with ZoomInfo data. Automate outreach to maximize operational efficiency and drive revenue.


Reach New Customers

Transform your logistics business with data-driven sales strategies. Unlock potential markets with efficient, automated prospecting campaigns and scalable impactful communications.


Understand Your TAM

Find untapped transportation opportunities with expanded total addressable market (TAM) analysis. Elevate your outreach to unlock new customers for sustained growth.


Consolidated Tech Stack

Simplify operations by consolidating your tech stack. ZoomInfo offers tailored API integrations to unify your systems and build a comprehensive data foundation to align your sales and marketing teams.

Data-Driven Features for Logistics Growth

With over 331 million company profiles analyzed, ZoomInfo has the data logistics professionals need for better prospecting and effective engagement.

  • Comprehensive Data

    Comprehensive Data

    Access comprehensive data on potential logistics leads, conduct targeted outreach, and engage key accounts with accuracy for valuable interactions.

  • Sales & Prospecting

    Sales & Prospecting

    Effortlessly navigate the prospecting landscape with ZoomInfo. Customer insights, streamlined outreach, and enhanced targeting ensure every engagement counts towards logistics success.

  • Go-To-Market Systems

    Go-To-Market Systems

    Make data-backed decisions that improve your bottom line. ZoomInfo Sales, Marketing, and Operations platforms deliver consolidated insights, integration visibility, and automated outreach.


Customers love ZoomInfo

Voted #1 by customers on G2 in multiple categories

G2, the world’s leading business software review platform ranks ZoomInfo #1 in over 28 categories including: Buyer Intent, Marketing Account Intelligence, Sales Intelligence, and Sales Engagement.


Case Studies

Real Logistics Customers. Real-World Results.

ZoomInfo data and solutions drive revenue growth. Check out these logistic industry success stories.

Ready to own your market?