The Magical Art of Tidying Up Your Sales Planning

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How the KonMari Method Applies to the B2B Sales Process

We spend a good portion of our time trying to eliminate clutter in our daily lives. The rise in popularity of consultants such as Marie Kondo speaks to our desire for efficiency. We’ve adopted the philosophy that if an item doesn’t spark joy, we should get rid of it to clean both our households and our minds. 

Why can’t the same be done for the sales planning process? 

Piecing together a strategy to help sales teams reach their goals can get messy. If it doesn’t “spark joy,” it’s probably worth re-examining! Ask yourself: Which parts of the strategy are superfluous? What can be streamlined? 

This Infographic helps you through the process of tidying up your sales planning, so you and your team can go forth with a buttoned-up, clean strategy. 

What are you waiting for? Time to tidy up!

Here’s a sneak peek of what this Infographic goes over:
  • How to clean up your team goals
  • The importance of checking your data quality
  • The balancing act required for territory planning