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J&J Contracting

Commercial & Residential Construction · Nevada, United States · <25 Employees

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8775 Lindell Rd Ste 100, Las Vegas, Nevada, 891...

Phone Number

(702) 333-4888


$14.8 Million


Commercial & Residential Construction Construction

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Who is J&J Contracting

J&J Contracting LLC is dedicated to provide the same quality work when dealing with water damage in any part of the home. Be it by weather conditions, floods or any plumbing malfunctioning, we handle all necessary repairs to return the customer's home to its original state. J&J Contracting LLC has twenty years of combined experience in construction. Our service areas include all of Las Vegas, Henderson and Summerlin. ur subcontractors are carefully selected to meet our high standards and exceed customer expectations.Read more

J&J Contracting's Social MediaPopular SearchesJ&J Contracting LLCJ & J ContractingJ & J Contracting LLCJ & J EnterprisesJ Contracting LLCSIC Code 17,179NAICS Code 23,238Show more

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Javier Argueta





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Frequently Asked Questions regarding J&J Contracting

Where is J&J Contracting located?
J&J Contracting's headquarters are located at 8775 Lindell Rd Ste 100, Las Vegas, Nevada, 89139, United States
What is J&J Contracting's phone number?
J&J Contracting's phone number is (702) 333-4888
What is J&J Contracting's official website?
J&J Contracting's official website is www.jjcontractingnv.com
What is J&J Contracting's Revenue?
J&J Contracting's revenue is $14.8 Million
What is J&J Contracting's SIC code?
J&J Contracting's SIC: 17,179
What is J&J Contracting's NAICS code?
J&J Contracting's NAICS: 23,238
How many employees does J&J Contracting have?
J&J Contracting has <25 employees
What industry does J&J Contracting belong to?
J&J Contracting is in the industry of: Commercial & Residential Construction, Construction
What is J&J Contracting competition?
J&J Contracting top competitors include: Vanguard North, Paul Davis Restoration, Davis Unlimited, Ram Restoration
What technology does J&J Contracting use?
Some of the popular technologies that J&J Contracting uses are: Facebook Web Custom Audiences, Facebook Pixel, Google Universal Analytics, Facebook Workplace
How do I contact J&J Contracting?
J&J Contracting contact info: Phone number: (702) 333-4888 Website: www.jjcontractingnv.com
What does J&J Contracting do?

J&J Contracting LLC is dedicated to provide the same quality work when dealing with water damage in any part of the home. Be it by weather conditions, floods or any plumbing malfunctioning, we handle all necessary repairs to return the customer's home to its original state. J&J Contracting LLC has twenty years of combined experience in construction... . Our service areas include all of Las Vegas, Henderson and Summerlin. ur subcontractors are carefully selected to meet our high standards and exceed customer expectations.Read More

What are J&J Contracting social media links?
J&J Contracting Linkedin page J&J Contracting Twitter page J&J Contracting Facebook page
Is J&J Contracting a public company?
J&J Contracting is private company therefore does not currently have an official ticker symbol
See more information about J&J Contracting

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