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Café Iso

Hospitality · Denmark · <25 Employees

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Phone Number

+45 51774206


<$5 Million


Hospitality General Hospitality

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Who is Café Iso

Café Iso is a company that operates in the Restaurants industry. It employs 6-10 people and has $0M-$1M of revenue. The company is headquartered inDenmark.Read more

Café Iso's Social MediaPopular SearchesCafé isoSIC Code 58,581NAICS Code 72,722Show more

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Lisa Silone





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Frequently Asked Questions regarding Café Iso

Where is Café Iso located?
Café Iso's headquarters are located at Denmark
What is Café Iso's phone number?
Café Iso's phone number is +45 51774206
What is Café Iso's official website?
Café Iso's official website is www.cafeiso.dk
What is Café Iso's Revenue?
Café Iso's revenue is <$5 Million
What is Café Iso's SIC code?
Café Iso's SIC: 58,581
What is Café Iso's NAICS code?
Café Iso's NAICS: 72,722
How many employees does Café Iso have?
Café Iso has <25 employees
What industry does Café Iso belong to?
Café Iso is in the industry of: Hospitality General, Hospitality
What technology does Café Iso use?
Some of the popular technologies that Café Iso uses are: Facebook Web Custom Audiences, Facebook Pixel, WooCommerce, WordPress.org
How do I contact Café Iso?
Café Iso contact info: Phone number: +45 51774206 Website: www.cafeiso.dk
What does Café Iso do?

Café Iso is a company that operates in the Restaurants industry. It employs 6-10 people and has $0M-$1M of revenue. The company is headquartered in Denmark.... Read More

What are Café Iso social media links?
Café Iso Facebook page
Is Café Iso a public company?
Café Iso is private company therefore does not currently have an official ticker symbol
See more information about Café Iso

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