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Business Services · Bermuda · 135,200 Employees

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22 Victoria St, Hamilton, Hamilton city, Bermud...

Phone Number

(212) 896-6600


$4.6 Billion

Stock Symbol



Management Consulting Business Services



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Who is Genpact

Genpact Limited provides business process outsourcing and information technology (IT) management services worldwide. The company offers finance and accounting services, including accounts payable comprising document management, invoice processing, approval, resolution management, and T&E processing; order to cash services, such as customer master data management, credit and contract management, fulfillment, billing, collections, and dispute management services; record to report services consisting of accounting, closing and reporting, treasury, tax, and product cost accounting services; enterprise performance management, including budgeting, forecasting, business performance reporting, and analytics; and enterprise risk and compliance services comprising SOX advisory, enterprise risk management, internal audit, FCPA, and IT risk management services. It also provides analytics and research services; core industry operation services; business and enterprise risk consulting services; tranRead more
Genpact's Social MediaPopular SearchesGenpactGenpact LLCGenpact LtdGenpact Process Solutions LLCGenpact Services LLCSIC Code 87,874NAICS Code 54,541Ticker NYSE: GShow more

Genpact Org Chart

Balkrishan Kalra

Global Business Digital Transformation Leader

Priyadarshini Uppal

Chief Financial Officer, Advisory & Senior Ma...

Sanjeeta Bhalla

Chief, Staff To The Chief Operating Officer



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Genpact uses at least 5 email formats with first.last (ex. John.Smith@genpact.com) being used 69.8% of the time

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Genpact

Where is Genpact located?
Genpact's headquarters are located at 22 Victoria St, Hamilton, Hamilton city, Bermuda
What is Genpact's phone number?
Genpact's phone number is (212) 896-6600
What is Genpact's stock symbol?
Genpact's stock symbol is G
What is Genpact's official website?
Genpact's official website is www.genpact.com
What is Genpact's Revenue?
Genpact's revenue is $4.6 Billion
What is Genpact's SIC code?
Genpact's SIC: 87,874
What is Genpact's NAICS code?
Genpact's NAICS: 54,541
How many employees does Genpact have?
Genpact has 135,200 employees
What industry does Genpact belong to?
Genpact is in the industry of: Management Consulting, Business Services
What is Genpact competition?
Genpact top competitors include: WNS, Exl, Cognizant Technology Solutions Corporation, Wipro
What companies has Genpact acquired?
Genpact has acquired the companies: Creditek, LeaseDimensions, Lydian Data Services, TechSpan
What technology does Genpact use?
Some of the popular technologies that Genpact uses are: Apptus, OpenText Vendor Invoice Management, Salesforce Connect, Bomgar Remote Support
Who is the CFO of Genpact?
Genpact's CFO is Priyadarshini Uppal
Who is the CTO of Genpact?
Genpact's CTO is Kaushik Bhaskar
How do I contact Genpact?
Genpact contact info: Phone number: (212) 896-6600 Website: www.genpact.com
What does Genpact do?

Genpact Limited provides business process outsourcing and information technology (IT) management services worldwide. The company offers finance and accounting services, including accounts payable comprising document management, invoice processing, approval, resolution management, and T&E processing; order to cash services, such as customer master d... ata management, credit and contract management, fulfillment, billing, collections, and dispute management services; record to report services consisting of accounting, closing and reporting, treasury, tax, and product cost accounting services; enterprise performance management, including budgeting, forecasting, business performance reporting, and analytics; and enterprise risk and compliance services comprising SOX advisory, enterprise risk management, internal audit, FCPA, and IT risk management services. It also provides analytics and research services; core industry operation services; business and enterprise risk consulting services; transformation services; and supply chain and procurement services, including direct and indirect strategic sourcing, category management, spend analytics, procurement operations, master data management, and other procurement and supply chain advisory services. In addition, the company offers enterprise application services comprising business intelligence and data services, enterprise resource planning, quality assurance, and technology integration; IT infrastructure management services, including end user computing, infrastructure management, application production support, and database management services; and collections and customer services in the areas of consumer banking, business-to-business finance, and mortgage servicing. It serves banking and financial services, capital markets, consumer product goods, healthcare, high tech, infrastructure, manufacturing and services, insurance, and life sciences industries. Genpact Limited was founded in 1997 and is based in Hamilton,...Read More

What are Genpact social media links?
Genpact Linkedin page Genpact Twitter page Genpact Facebook page
How much funding has Genpact raised to date?
Genpact has raised $1.7 Billion in 2 funding rounds
When was the last funding round for Genpact?
Genpact closed its last funding round on Dec 13, 2022 with the amount of $1.2 Billion
Is Genpact a public company?
Yes, Genpact is a public company and is traded under the symbol G
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