Minwaashin Lodge corporate office is located in 100-1155 Lola St, Ottawa, Ontario, K1K 4C1, Canada and has 26 employees.
minwaashin lodge
oshki kizis healing lodge
minwaashin lodge - aboriginal women's support cent...
aboriginal wmn's support centre
aboriginal womens support centre
aunties on the road
Number of employees
Medical & Health
Human Resources
Information Technology
Location | People at location |
North America | 45 |
Explore people who held key positions, contributed to Minwaashin Lodge's success, and advanced their careers.
Youth Leadership Coord... at Ontario Native Women's...
Worked as Anti Human Trafficking Liaison
at Minwaashin Lodge (2022-2024)
Worked as Housing Case Manager
at Minwaashin Lodge (2020-2024)
Support Worker at Ndinawe Endaawaad
Worked as Harm Reduction Outreach Worker
at Minwaashin Lodge (2023-2024)
Community Host at Christ Church Parish C...
Worked as Provincial Anti-Human Trafficking Liaison
at Minwaashin Lodge (2018-2022)
Explore More
Minwaashin Lodge is an Indigenous Women's Support Centre located in Ottawa, Canada, providing programs and services to First Nations, Inuit and Mtis women and children who are survivors of domestic violence. Their offerings include counselling, culture, doula services, employment programs, and transitional housing support, all delivered with a holi... Read More