
Jenna Spagnoli

Communications and Event Planning at Minwaashin Lodge

Jenna Spagnoli Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

Jenna Spagnoli Current Workplace



Number of Employees

Jenna Spagnoli Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Jenna Spagnoli

Jenna Spagnoli is a Communications and Event Planning at Minwaashin Lodge based in Ottawa, Ontario. Previously, Jenna was a Marketing Strategist at National Arts Centre and also held positions at Elizabeth Fry Society of Ottawa, Octevaw, Minwaashin Lodge, Feminist Twins, Ottawa Aboriginal Coalition, Cusa, The Osgoode Youth Association, IKEA. Jenna received a Bachelor of Arts degree from Carleton University and a Master of Social Work from Carleton University.Explore more

Jenna Spagnoli Current Workplace

Minwaashin Lodge

2023-present (1 year)

Minwaashin Lodge provides a range of culturally sensitive programs and services aimed at supporting First Nations, Inuit, and Métis women and children who are survivors of violence. Their offerings include counselling, employment programs, transitional housing support, and emergency shelter for those fleeing abuse. The organization's holistic approach to healing respects the cultural beliefs and values of the Indigenous community. Minwaashin Lodge envisions a safe and honored environment for all creation, where culture and diversity are celebrated.

Jenna Spagnoli Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Marketing Strategist

National Arts Centre


Indigenous Theatre Marketing & Communications Coordinator

National Arts Centre


Manager, Community Engagement

Elizabeth Fry Society of Ottawa







Bachelor of Arts

Carleton University

Master of Social Work

Carleton University

Org Chart - Minwaashin Lodge


Communications and Event Planning




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Recent News About Jenna Spagnoli

Web References
Web References
  • news feed 1

    This session, we're reading "The Maze Runner" by James Dashner with Book Club host Jenna Spagnoli .
  • news feed 2

    Many thanks to Jenna Spagnoli , O-YA's Volunteer Book Correspondent for recommending this selection and helping out with the Club.

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Jenna Spagnoli

What company does Jenna Spagnoli work for?
Jenna Spagnoli works for Minwaashin Lodge as Communications and Event Planning
What is Jenna Spagnoli’s role in Minwaashin Lodge?
Jenna Spagnoli’s role in Minwaashin Lodge is Communications and Event Planning
What is Jenna Spagnoli’s email address?
Jenna Spagnoli’s email address is j***@minlodge.com
What is Jenna Spagnoli’s business email address?
Jenna Spagnoli’s business email address is j***@minlodge.com
What is Jenna Spagnoli’s direct phone number?
Jenna Spagnoli’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Jenna Spagnoli’s work phone number?
Jenna Spagnoli’s headquarters phone number is (613) 741-5590
What is Jenna Spagnoli’s latest job experience?
Jenna Spagnoli’s latest job experience is Marketing Strategist at National Arts Centre
What is Jenna Spagnoli’s latest education?
Jenna Spagnoli’s latest education in Bachelor of Arts at Carleton University
Which industry does Jenna Spagnoli work in?
Jenna Spagnoli works in the industry of Charitable Organizations & Foundations, Organizations.
Who are Jenna Spagnoli’s peers at other companies?
Jenna Spagnoli’s peers at other companies are Andrew Munkoh, Matthew Thon, TA-Mana Karimi, Annelize Truscott, Angela Callander.
Who are Jenna Spagnoli’s colleagues?
Some of Jenna Spagnoli’s colleagues are Frances Daly, Mary Daoust, Florence Hiltz, Frankie Pasap.
How can I contact Jenna Spagnoli?
Jenna Spagnoli contact details: Email address: j***@minlodge.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Jenna Spagnoli?

Jenna Spagnoli is a Communications and Event Planning at Minwaashin Lodge based in Ottawa, Ontario. Previously, Jenna was a Marketing Strategist at National Arts Centre and also held positions at Elizabeth Fry Society of Ottawa, Octevaw, Minwaashin Lodge, Feminist Twins, Ottawa Aboriginal Coalition, Cusa, The Osgoode Youth Association, IKEA. Jenn... a received a Bachelor of Arts degree from Carleton University and a Master of Social Work from Carleton University.Read More

Where is Jenna Spagnoli based?
Jenna Spagnoli works for Minwaashin Lodge, located at Canada
See more information about Jenna Spagnoli

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