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Midwest Special Needs Trust Employee Directory

Midwest Special Needs Trust corporate office is located in PO Box 7629, Columbia, Missouri, 65205, United States and has 8 employees.

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Key Employees of Midwest Special Needs Trust

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    Mike Barton


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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Midwest Special Needs Trust Employees

How many employees does Midwest Special Needs Trust have?
Midwest Special Needs Trust has 8 employees
Who are Midwest Special Needs Trust key employees?
Some of Midwest Special Needs Trust key employees are Mike Barton
Where is Midwest Special Needs Trust located?
Midwest Special Needs Trust’s headquarters are located at PO Box 7629, Columbia, Missouri, 65205, United States
How do I contact Midwest Special Needs Trust?
Midwest Special Needs Trust Contact Info: Phone number: (573) 256-5055 Website: www.midwestspecialneedstrust.org
What does Midwest Special Needs Trust do?

Midwest Special Needs Trust is a unique trustee resource that specializes in working with special needs trusts. The Board recognizes that MSNT may be the only affordable option for individuals and families with modest incomes and assets and sets fees accordingly to remain accessible for anyone who might need a special needs trust to protect benefit... s. MSNT only handles special needs trusts and hires staff with experience working with people with disabilities and extensive expertise with public benefits. MSNT has been administering trusts since 1991 and has established working relationships with Medicaid and Social Security officials to protect eligibility for benefits. As a pooled trust as defined in federal statute, MSNT may open a trust account for individuals with disabilities (or their legal guardian) who wish to establish the trust with their own assets, avoiding the necessity that a court establish the trust. MSNT can open a trust account for minor beneficiaries when the required trust agreements are completed by a parent or other legal guardian. When a trust account is established, investment directives and instructions are documented as part of the trust agreement. Investments may be directed to a money market or one of five mutual fund portfolios. MSNT posts investment performance data to the website each quarter. The Board will amend the trust documents for continuing compliance with complex federal requirements that are subject to change and interpretation. Amending the trust provides a cost effective method to ensure ongoing compliance and eligibility.Read More

Is Midwest Special Needs Trust a public company?
Midwest Special Needs Trust is private company therefore does not currently have an official ticker symbol
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