Bianca Farr

Associate Director at Midwest Special Needs Trust

Bianca Farr Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

Bianca Farr Current Workplace



Number of Employees

Bianca Farr Work Experience Summary

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Average duration at a company (years)


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About Bianca Farr

Bianca Farr works as a Associate Director at Midwest Special Needs Trust, which is a Finance company with an estimated 8 employees. Their management level is Director. Bianca graduated from their alma mater, University of Missouri-Columbia and is currently based in Columbia, Missouri. Found email listings include: b***, more

Bianca Farr Current Workplace

Midwest Special Needs Trust

2019-present (5 years)

Midwest Special Needs Trust is a unique trustee resource that specializes in working with special needs trusts. The Board recognizes that MSNT may be the only affordable option for individuals and families with modest incomes and assets and sets fees accordingly to remain accessible for anyone who might need a special needs trust to protect benefits. MSNT only handles special needs trusts and hires staff with experience working with people with disabilities and extensive expertise with public benefits. MSNT has been administering trusts since 1991 and has established working relationships with Medicaid and Social Security officials to protect eligibility for benefits. As a pooled trust as defined in federal statute, MSNT may open a trust account for individuals with disabilities (or their legal guardian) who wish to establish the trust with their own assets, avoiding the necessity that a court establish the trust. MSNT can open a trust account for minor beneficiaries when the requiredSee more

Bianca Farr Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles



BA - Psychology

B. A. - psychology

University of Missouri-Columbia


master's degree - social work

University of Missouri-Columbia
Board Memberships & Affiliations

Board Memberships & Affiliations

Org Chart - Midwest Special Needs Trust


Associate Director




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Bianca Farr

What company does Bianca Farr work for?
Bianca Farr works for Midwest Special Needs Trust as Associate Director
What is Bianca Farr’s role in Midwest Special Needs Trust?
Bianca Farr’s role in Midwest Special Needs Trust is Associate Director
What is Bianca Farr’s direct phone number?
Bianca Farr’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Bianca Farr’s work phone number?
Bianca Farr’s headquarters phone number is (573) 256-5055
What is Bianca Farr’s latest education?
Bianca Farr’s latest education in B. A. - psychology at University of Missouri-Columbia
Which industry does Bianca Farr work in?
Bianca Farr works in the industry of Investment Banking, Finance.
Who are Bianca Farr’s peers at other companies?
Bianca Farr’s peers at other companies are Farhan Khan, Rahul Katoria, Brian Zambie, Harvey Ross, Andrew Swift.
Who are Bianca Farr’s colleagues?
Some of Bianca Farr’s colleagues are Danielle Thomas, Mike Barton, Casie Stephens, Shelley Morse.
Where is Bianca Farr based?
Bianca Farr works for Midwest Special Needs Trust, located at United States
See more information about Bianca Farr

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