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East End Apparels Employee Directory

East End Apparels corporate office is located in c-19 Sector-3, Noida, Uttar Pradesh, 201301, India and has 26 employees.

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East End Apparels CEO

Ranjeet ChawlaEast End Apparels
Ranjeet ChawlaChief Executive Officer & Owner
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding East End Apparels Employees

How many employees does East End Apparels have?
East End Apparels has 26 employees
Who is the CEO of East End Apparels?
East End Apparels’s CEO is Ranjeet Chawla
Who are East End Apparels key employees?
Some of East End Apparels key employees are Neeraj Kathuria, Mahboob Alam
Where is East End Apparels located?
East End Apparels’s headquarters are located at c-19 Sector-3, Noida, Uttar Pradesh, 201301, India
How do I contact East End Apparels?
East End Apparels Contact Info: Phone number: +91 1204506800 Website: www.eastendapparels.com
What does East End Apparels do?

East End Apparels was established in 1991 as a buying agency sourcing merchandise from the Indian Subcontinent. With 25 years of hands-on experience in servicing apparel retailers and importers in USA, Europe, South America, South Africa and Australia, East End Apparels is a reliable resource for quality apparel and accessories. We have a dedicated... staff of over 150 professionals working in cross functional teams that encompass all product-related activities- design, merchandising, logistics, finance, quality and tech. Our structured quality team carries out all the required inspections including fabric checking, inline inspection of goods on machine and inspection of the finished goods to ensure that the product meets the buyer's specifications. This cross-functional approach provides a structured and reliable framework that delivers consistently and accurately. Our expertise lies in value added novelty items that involve innovative processes to create new and fresh product for our clients every season. This initiative is led by our design and product development teams who actively work with vendors to create product lines as per the latest international trends. At East End, we offer high quality value added garments and accessories at a sharp price point and competitive delivery. This makes us successful inmanaging end-to-end sourcing services for apparel companies across the world.Read More

Is East End Apparels a public company?
East End Apparels is private company therefore does not currently have an official ticker symbol
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