
Shrishti Mahalwal

Senior Merchandiser at East End Apparels

Shrishti Mahalwal Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

Shrishti Mahalwal Current Workplace



Number of Employees

Shrishti Mahalwal Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Shrishti Mahalwal

Shrishti Mahalwal is a Senior Merchandiser at East End Apparels based in Noida, Uttar Pradesh. Previously, Shrishti was an Assistant Merchandiser at Orient Fashions.Explore more

Shrishti Mahalwal Current Workplace

East End Apparels

2019-present (6 years)

East End Apparels was established in 1991 as a buying agency sourcing merchandise from the Indian Subcontinent. With 25 years of hands-on experience in servicing apparel retailers and importers in USA, Europe, South America, South Africa and Australia, East End Apparels is a reliable resource for quality apparel and accessories. We have a dedicated staff of over 150 professionals working in cross functional teams that encompass all product-related activities- design, merchandising, logistics, finance, quality and tech. Our structured quality team carries out all the required inspections including fabric checking, inline inspection of goods on machine and inspection of the finished goods to ensure that the product meets the buyer's specifications. This cross-functional approach provides a structured and reliable framework that delivers consistently and accurately. Our expertise lies in value added novelty items that involve innovative processes to create new and fresh product for our clSee more

Shrishti Mahalwal Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Assistant Merchandiser

Orient Fashions


Org Chart - East End Apparels


Senior Merchandiser




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Shrishti Mahalwal

What company does Shrishti Mahalwal work for?
Shrishti Mahalwal works for East End Apparels as Senior Merchandiser
What is Shrishti Mahalwal’s role in East End Apparels?
Shrishti Mahalwal’s role in East End Apparels is Senior Merchandiser
What is Shrishti Mahalwal’s email address?
Shrishti Mahalwal’s email address is s***@eastendapparels.com
What is Shrishti Mahalwal’s business email address?
Shrishti Mahalwal’s business email address is s***@eastendapparels.com
What is Shrishti Mahalwal’s direct phone number?
Shrishti Mahalwal’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Shrishti Mahalwal’s work phone number?
Shrishti Mahalwal’s headquarters phone number is +91 1204506800
What is Shrishti Mahalwal’s latest job experience?
Shrishti Mahalwal’s latest job experience is Assistant Merchandiser at Orient Fashions
Which industry does Shrishti Mahalwal work in?
Shrishti Mahalwal works in the industry of Apparel & Accessories Retail, Retail.
Who are Shrishti Mahalwal’s peers at other companies?
Shrishti Mahalwal’s peers at other companies are Zakaria Rahman, Mohammad Alam, Cristal Nguyen, Maggie Pham, Savita Sahu.
Who are Shrishti Mahalwal’s colleagues?
Some of Shrishti Mahalwal’s colleagues are Sunita Dogra, Pawani Kumar, Navika Sagar, Simran Chaudhary.
How can I contact Shrishti Mahalwal?
Shrishti Mahalwal contact details: Email address: s***@eastendapparels.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Shrishti Mahalwal?

Shrishti Mahalwal is a Senior Merchandiser at East End Apparels based in Noida, Uttar Pradesh. Previously, Shrishti was an Assistant Merchandiser at Orient Fashions.... Read More

Where is Shrishti Mahalwal based?
Shrishti Mahalwal works for East End Apparels, located at India
See more information about Shrishti Mahalwal

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