Tri-State Transportation Campaign
Membership Organizations · New York, United States · <25 Employees
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Who is Tri-State Transportation Campaign
The Tri-State Transportation Campaign is a 501(c)(3) non-profit advocacy organization dedicated to reducing car dependency in New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut. Leading environmental transportation, and planning organizations formed the Campaign in 1993 as a response to the mounting economic and environmental costs of automobile and truck dependence and promising reforms after the 1991 passage of the federal transportation bill, Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act. In the 20 years since our founding, the Campaign has enjoyed a strong record of accomplishment. Among our most notable victories are halting highway widenings, fighting fare increases and service cuts, encouraging smart growth approaches at state departments of transportation, and calling for millions of dollars of investment in public transportation, pedestrian, bicycle, and transit-oriented development initiatives. Still, in the New York/New Jersey/Connecticut metro area, there are many challenges to be addressed: Nearly 1,500 people are killed in car and truck crashes in the region, including over 400 pedestrians, accounting for more than one-quarter of all traffic deaths. Cars and trucks contribute half of the federally regulated air pollutants and more than one-fifth of toxic pollutants emitted into the region's air. Cars, trucks and highways promote inefficient use of land and destroy natural habitat by spreading workplaces and residences across the landscape in low-density patterns. In our metropolitan area, the present rate of land consumption indicates that, by 2040, every acre will be developed. Dependence on motor transport erodes community character and the economies of the metropolitan area's "Main Streets" and downtowns. Traffic congestion costs the region more than $11 billion annually in wasted fuel and lost productivity, and hampers goods movement. Overall, auto-based transportation costs the region an estimated $55 billion per year in crashes, lost time, health costs of air and noise pollution and land ...Read more
Popular SearchesTri-State Transportation CampaignTri - State Transportation CampaignTri State Transportation CampaignTri State Transportation Campaign IncState TransportationSIC Code 86,865NAICS Code 81,813Show moreTri-State Transportation Campaign Org Chart
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Tri-State Transportation Campaign
The Tri-State Transportation Campaign is a 501(c)(3) non-profit advocacy organization dedicated to reducing car dependency in New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut. Leading environmental transportation, and planning organizations formed the Campaign in 1993 as a response to the mounting economic and environmental costs of automobile and truck depen... Read More