Energy, Utilities & Waste · Algeria · 2,419 Employees
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Who is Sonelgaz
Sonelgaz (سونلغاز, Société Nationale de l'Electricité et du Gaz, National Company for Electricity and Gas) is a state-owned utility in charge of el ectricity and natural gas distribution in Algeria. It was established in 1969, replacing the previous body Electricité et gaz d'Algérie (EGA), and was given a monopoly over the distribution and selling of natural gas within the country as well as the production, distribution, importation, and exportation of electricity. In 2002, its monopoly was revoked by presidential decree N° 02-195, which legally converted it into a private (though entirely government-owned) company; it is now scheduled to be split eventually. As of 2003, it produces 29 billion kWh a year, sells 4.6 billion cubic metres of gas a year, and employs nearly 20,000 people.Read more
Popular SearchesSonelgazAgence Commerciale SDA (SONELGAZ)Groupe sonelgazSHARIKAT KAHRABA EL DJAZAIR SPE epe spaSonelgaz SDASIC Code 49,492NAICS Code 22,221Show moreSonelgaz Org Chart
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Sonelgaz
Sonelgaz (سونلغاز, Société Nationale de l'Electricité et du Gaz, National Company for Electricity and Gas) is a state-owned utility in charge of electricity and natural gas distribution in Algeria. It was established in 1969, replacing the previous body Electricité et gaz d'Algérie (EGA), and was given a monopoly over the distribution and selling o... Read More