Partners Advancing Values in Education
Education · Wisconsin, United States · <25 Employees
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301 W Wisconsin Ave Ste 300, Milwaukee, Wiscons...Phone Number
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Who is Partners Advancing Values in Education
PAVE strengthens our network schools as organizations by: Coaching and mentoring school leaders and board members to help them overcome organizatio nal challenges, attract outside resources and increase school enrollment. PAVE's consulting services with schools are highly tailored to each school's individual strengths and challenges. Recruiting, training and connecting leaders from throughout the area to serve as volunteer board members for PAVE's network schools. PAVE's Board Corps program has to date recruited, trained and matched nearly100 local leaders to serve in the critical position of volunteer board members, performing an essential oversight and support role for schools. Providing high level training for volunteer board members and school leaders, helping them become better organized and able to wisely allocate and leverage resources, attract and retain high quality teachers, attract community support, hold school leadership accountable for results. Since 2013, PAVE has trained over 600 school leaders, board members, and school staff, providing them with expertise and guidance they would receive nowhere else. Connecting school communities to a larger school network, and the community at large, to share ideas and best practices. PAVE's network schools learn from each other through both formal and informal channels, and have opportunities to connect with resources in the wider community, to help them achieve their missions. Providing targeted financial investments to help excellent schools serve more students. When PAVE's network schools achieve sustained excellence, we invest in their physical expansion so that they can serve more students. Since 2001, PAVE has contributed over $23 million to schools in the form of challenge grants and loans, representing nearly $100 million in investment in new high quality schools serving low-income students in Milwaukee. Our Results As a data-driven organization, PAVE continually evaluates our own work, the organizational changes that happen in our network schools, ...Read more
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Partners Advancing Values in Education
PAVE strengthens our network schools as organizations by: Coaching and mentoring school leaders and board members to help them overcome organizational challenges, attract outside resources and increase school enrollment. PAVE's consulting services with schools are highly tailored to each school's individual strengths and challenges. Recruiting, tra... Read More