J.H.Routh Packing
Food & Beverage · Ohio, United States · 419 Employees
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4413 W Bogart Rd, Sandusky, Ohio, 44870, United...Phone Number
(419) 626-2251Website
$39.2 MillionIndustry
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Who is J.H.Routh Packing
The company was a pioneer in the development of leaner, healthier, "meat type" pork. Throughout the 1950's and 1960's, Routh Packing worked with lo cal producers and health professionals to produce hogs that were naturally leaner and meatier than the current industry standard animal available at the time. This, combined with a program of eliminating as much fat as possible during the processing procedure, gave the company the ability to offer its "meat type pork" products throughout its marketing area. Customers fell in love with the healthier, more nutritious cuts of pork, and this type of product soon became the new industry standard. Currently, the company's focus is on providing it's Daisyfield Brand of fresh and processed pork products to customers throughout the eastern United States, and abroad. The company is able to provide its wholesale and retail customers the freshest pork possible; in many cases having its products in the meat case the day after the animal is harvested. For years, the industry standard was to provide it's fresh pork products wrapped in paper. That's the way we still do it here at J.H. Routh Packing Company, as that's the only way to assure our products are received at the peak of freshness. Our fleet of company owned trucks, deliver Daisyfield Brand products to customers in Ohio and adjoining states, while distributors and other wholesale customers are serviced by a select group of commercial carriers, dedicated to our business. As business becomes more globalized, so too has our customer base. Significant amounts of export business having been developed both in North America, and Asia.Read more
Popular SearchesJ H Routh Packing CoJHRouth Packing CoJ H Routh PackingJH Routh Packing CoJHRouth PackingSIC Code 20,201NAICS Code 31,311Show moreJ.H.Routh Packing Org Chart
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding J.H.Routh Packing
The company was a pioneer in the development of leaner, healthier, "meat type" pork. Throughout the 1950's and 1960's, Routh Packing worked with local producers and health professionals to produce hogs that were naturally leaner and meatier than the current industry standard animal available at the time. This, combined with a program of eliminating... Read More