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Henry Schein

Manufacturing · New York, United States · 26,000 Employees

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135 Duryea Rd, Melville, New York, 11747, Unite...

Phone Number

(631) 843-5500


$12.5 Billion

Stock Symbol



Medical Devices & Equipment Manufacturing



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Who is Henry Schein

Henry Schein, Inc. provides health care products and services to dental practitioners, laboratories, physician practices, and ambulatory surgery ce nters, government, institutional health care clinics, and other alternate care clinics worldwide. It operates through two segments, Health Care Distribution, and Technology and Value-Added Services. The Health Care Distribution segment offers dental products, including infection-control products, handpieces, preventatives, impression materials, composites, anesthetics, teeth, dental implants, gypsum, acrylics, articulators, abrasives, dental chairs, delivery units and lights, X-ray supplies and equipment, personal protective equipment, and high-tech and digital restoration equipment, as well as equipment repair services. This segment also provides medical products, such as branded and generic pharmaceuticals, vaccines, surgical products, diagnostic tests, infection-control products, X-ray products, equipment, and vitamins. The Technology and Value-Added Services segment offers software, technology, and other value-added services that include practice management software systems for dental and medical practitioners; and value-added practice solutions comprising practice consultancy, education, revenue cycle management and financial services, e-services, practice technology, and network and hardware services, as well as consulting, and continuing education services. Henry Schein, Inc. was founded in 1932 and is headquartered in Melville, New York.Read more

Henry Schein's Social MediaPopular Searcheshenry schein IncHenry ScheinHenry Schein DentalHenry Schein Canada IncHenryscheinSIC Code 38,384NAICS Code 45,456Ticker NASDAQ: HSICShow more

Henry Schein Org Chart

Ronald South

Chief Financial Officer & Senior VP

Lorelei McGlynn

Chief Human Resources Officer & Senior VP



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Stanley Bergman

Stanley Bergman

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Henry Schein Email Formats

Henry Schein uses at least 5 email formats with first.last (ex. John.Smith@henryschein.com) being used 75.8% of the time

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Dentrix eCentral


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Aug 22 2024
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Aug 6 2024
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Henry Schein

Where is Henry Schein located?
Henry Schein's headquarters are located at 135 Duryea Rd, Melville, New York, 11747, United States
What is Henry Schein's phone number?
Henry Schein's phone number is (631) 843-5500
What is Henry Schein's stock symbol?
Henry Schein's stock symbol is HSIC
What is Henry Schein's official website?
Henry Schein's official website is www.henryschein.com
What is Henry Schein's Revenue?
Henry Schein's revenue is $12.5 Billion
What is Henry Schein's SIC code?
Henry Schein's SIC: 38,384
What is Henry Schein's NAICS code?
Henry Schein's NAICS: 45,456
How many employees does Henry Schein have?
Henry Schein has 26,000 employees
What industry does Henry Schein belong to?
Henry Schein is in the industry of: Medical Devices & Equipment, Manufacturing
What is Henry Schein competition?
Henry Schein top competitors include: McKesson, Owens & Minor, Medline Industries, Bristol-Myers Squibb
What companies has Henry Schein acquired?
Henry Schein has acquired the companies: Modern Laboratory Services, Ortho Technology, RxWorks, BioHorizons
What technology does Henry Schein use?
Some of the popular technologies that Henry Schein uses are: Solidworks, Microsoft IIS, SAP Sybase RAP, Gupy
Who is the CEO of Henry Schein?
Henry Schein's CEO is Brad Connett
Who is the CFO of Henry Schein?
Henry Schein's CFO is Ronald South
Who is the CTO of Henry Schein?
Henry Schein's CTO is Christopher Pendergast
How do I contact Henry Schein?
Henry Schein contact info: Phone number: (631) 843-5500 Website: www.henryschein.com
What does Henry Schein do?

Henry Schein, Inc. provides health care products and services to dental practitioners, laboratories, physician practices, and ambulatory surgery centers, government, institutional health care clinics, and other alternate care clinics worldwide. It operates through two segments, Health Care Distribution, and Technology and Value-Added Services. The... Health Care Distribution segment offers dental products, including infection-control products, handpieces, preventatives, impression materials, composites, anesthetics, teeth, dental implants, gypsum, acrylics, articulators, abrasives, dental chairs, delivery units and lights, X-ray supplies and equipment, personal protective equipment, and high-tech and digital restoration equipment, as well as equipment repair services. This segment also provides medical products, such as branded and generic pharmaceuticals, vaccines, surgical products, diagnostic tests, infection-control products, X-ray products, equipment, and vitamins. The Technology and Value-Added Services segment offers software, technology, and other value-added services that include practice management software systems for dental and medical practitioners; and value-added practice solutions comprising practice consultancy, education, revenue cycle management and financial services, e-services, practice technology, and network and hardware services, as well as consulting, and continuing education services. Henry Schein, Inc. was founded in 1932 and is headquartered in Melville, New York.Read More

What are Henry Schein social media links?
Henry Schein Linkedin page Henry Schein Twitter page Henry Schein Facebook page
How much funding has Henry Schein raised to date?
Henry Schein has raised $72.8 Million in 1 funding round
When was the last funding round for Henry Schein?
Henry Schein closed its last funding round on Nov 15, 1995 with the amount of $72.8 Million
Is Henry Schein a public company?
Yes, Henry Schein is a public company and is traded under the symbol HSIC
See more information about Henry Schein

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