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exp Realty

Real Estate · Washington, United States · 2,000 Employees

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2219 Rimland Dr Ste 301, Bellingham, Washington...

Phone Number

(833) 303-0610


$2 Billion


Real Estate

Who is exp Realty

eXp World Holdings, Inc. provides cloud-based real estate brokerage services for residential real estate market in the United states and Canada. The company facilitates buyers to search real-time property listings and sellers to list their properties through its Website; and provides buyers and sellers access to a network of professional, consumer-centric agents, and brokers. It also offers access to collaborative tools and training services for real estate brokers and agents. In addition, the company provides marketing, training, and other support services to its brokers and agents through a proprietary technology enabled services, and technology and support services contracted to third parties. The company was formerly known as eXp Realty International Corporation and changed its name to eXp World Holdings, Inc. in May 2016. eXp World Holdings, Inc. was founded in 2008 and is based in Bellingham,...Explore more
exp Realty's Social MediaPopular SearchesExp RealtyEXP Realty LLCexprealty.comEXP Realty IncExp Realty of California IncSIC Code 65,653NAICS Code 53,531Show more

exp Realty Org Chart

Dylan Nihte

Vice Chief Executive Officer

Marcia Souers

Chief Executive Officer, Bella Villa Group

Pierce English

Chief Executive Officer, ForSaleByPete



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exp Realty uses at least 5 email formats with first.last (ex. John.Smith@exprealty.com) being used 71.3% of the time

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding exp Realty

Where is exp Realty located?
exp Realty's headquarters are located at 2219 Rimland Dr Ste 301, Bellingham, Washington, 98226, United States
What is exp Realty's phone number?
exp Realty's phone number is (833) 303-0610
What is exp Realty's official website?
exp Realty's official website is www.exprealty.com
What is exp Realty's Revenue?
exp Realty's revenue is $2 Billion
What is exp Realty's SIC code?
exp Realty's SIC: 65,653
What is exp Realty's NAICS code?
exp Realty's NAICS: 53,531
How many employees does exp Realty have?
exp Realty has 2,000 employees
What industry does exp Realty belong to?
exp Realty is in the industry of: Real Estate
What is exp Realty competition?
exp Realty top competitors include: Connect Realty, The Keyes Company, Howard Hanna Rand Realty, Central Metro Realty
What technology does exp Realty use?
Some of the popular technologies that exp Realty uses are: EventPro, Angular 2, Facebook Web Custom Audiences, Facebook Pixel
Who is the CEO of exp Realty?
exp Realty's CEO is Dylan Nihte
Who is the CTO of exp Realty?
exp Realty's CTO is Sumanth Kamath
How do I contact exp Realty?
exp Realty contact info: Phone number: (833) 303-0610 Website: www.exprealty.com
What does exp Realty do?

eXp World Holdings, Inc. provides cloud-based real estate brokerage services for residential real estate market in the United states and Canada. The company facilitates buyers to search real-time property listings and sellers to list their properties through its Website; and provides buyers and sellers access to a network of professional, consumer-... centric agents, and brokers. It also offers access to collaborative tools and training services for real estate brokers and agents. In addition, the company provides marketing, training, and other support services to its brokers and agents through a proprietary technology enabled services, and technology and support services contracted to third parties. The company was formerly known as eXp Realty International Corporation and changed its name to eXp World Holdings, Inc. in May 2016. eXp World Holdings, Inc. was founded in 2008 and is based in Bellingham,...Read More

What are exp Realty social media links?
exp Realty Linkedin page exp Realty Twitter page exp Realty Facebook page
Is exp Realty a public company?
exp Realty is private company therefore does not currently have an official ticker symbol
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