Caritas Nepal
Non-Profit & Charitable Organizations · Nepal · 1,000 Employees
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Who is Caritas Nepal
Caritas Nepal is a social development/relief organization operating under the auspices of the Roman Catholic Church in Nepal as its social arm. It was established in 1990 and is registered as an NGO. Caritas Nepal is a member of Caritas Internationalism. Caritas Nepal tries to spread the love of caritas by working in solidarity with the poor, downtrodden, marginalized people of Nepal with a mission to empower them to overcome poverty and realize basic human rights and social justice and to provide relief to those suffering from disasters and conflict. The main programme areas of Caritas Nepal currently are: Improving Food Security of Rural Households through Sustainable Agriculture; Building Sustainable Peace; Socio-economic Empowerment; Poverty Alleviation through Cooperatives and Micro Enterprises; Combating Trafficking of Women; Education for Bhutanese Refugee Children; Community Based Disaster Preparedness; Emergency Relief for Disaster Victims, and so on. Caritas Nepal is governed by an elected executive committee comprising 7 board members and 15 general members. His Excellency, Monsignor Anthony Sharma S.J., the first Catholic Bishop of Nepal, has led Caritas Nepal as President since its establishment. In fact, the creation of Caritas Nepal was the fruit of Msgr Sharma's labours to raise relief for victims of the severe floods of 1987, when his approach to Caritas India requesting them to branch out relief operations to Nepal resulted instead in the initiation of actions to establish a separate national Caritas agency in Nepal itself, which he saw to a successful conclusion 1990. The Executive Committee oversees activities of Caritas Nepal through the formation of various committees like the Project Selection Committee, Personnel Committee, Emergency Relief Committee, and so on. Long-term policy decisions and short-term choices are made within this framework to steer Caritas Nepal along the different paths it needs to take to fulfil its goals. The main face of Caritas Nepal is its office, headed by the ...Read more
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Caritas Nepal
Caritas Nepal is a social development/relief organization operating under the auspices of the Roman Catholic Church in Nepal as its social arm. It was established in 1990 and is registered as an NGO. Caritas Nepal is a member of Caritas Internationalism. Caritas Nepal tries to spread the love of caritas by working in solidarity with the poor, downt... Read More