Birch Event Design
Hospitality · New York, United States · 27 Employees
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1965 Mcdonald Ave, Brooklyn, New York, 11223, U...Phone Number
(718) 853-8538Website
<$5 MillionIndustry
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Who is Birch Event Design
Birch Event Design is a Brooklyn, New York high end floral design company aimed at building customer relationships and providing top quality servic es to ensure that our customers are fully satisfied with our service. Our friendly, professional and experienced staff works closely with our clients to guarantee that their event is beautiful, successful and memorable. We pay close attention to all decor details and provide the finest floral arrangements. LET US BRING YOUR VISION TO LIFE! Our goal is to bring your floral arrangement vision to life. With our one-on-one consultations, event designers create custom designs for each one of our clients using creativity, expertise and integrity. Whether you are planning a wedding, bar or bat mitzvah or corporate event, our experts at Birch Event Design will cater to your every wish in order to make your event beautiful and memorable.Read more
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Birch Event Design
Birch Event Design is a Brooklyn, New York high end floral design company aimed at building customer relationships and providing top quality services to ensure that our customers are fully satisfied with our service. Our friendly, professional and experienced staff works closely with our clients to guarantee that their event is beautiful, successfu... Read More