Azimuth Technology
Manufacturing · Florida, United States · 49 Employees
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10130 Market St, Naples, Florida, 34112, United...Phone Number
(239) 352-0600Website
$14 MillionIndustry
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Who is Azimuth Technology
Azimuth Technology, LLC, believes it is our responsibility to bring Manufacturing back to America. That is why we pride ourselves in our commitment to our country and our people. Headquartered in Naples, FL, Azimuth Technology, LLC specializes in precision contract manufacturing for various industries including defense, aerospace, oil/gas, and more. Our manufacturing facility houses state of the art machines which provide the highest level of precision and newest technologies. The company has the most sophisticated and advanced equipment including CNC Precision mills and lathes. Azimuth Technology, LLC employs qualified and experienced machinists, programmers, and quality experts to maximize and monitor the use of those technologies and equipment. We consistently meets the needs of its customers through innovative processes designed to reduce costs without compromising workmanship and quality. Azimuth Technology, LLC has developed patented production protocols that have consistently proven to exceed the capabilities and technology of other contract manufacturers. An unwavering commitment to excellence and superior workmanship, along with highly advanced machining and cost effective processes, allows Azimuth Technology, LLC to successfully emerge as a leader in cutting edge engineering and manufacturing.Read more
Popular SearchesAzimuth Technology LLCAzimut TechnologiesAftermarket Manufacturing Engineering LLCAzimuth TechnologyAsimuto Tech LLCSIC Code 34,348NAICS Code 33,332Show moreAzimuth Technology Org Chart
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LongueVue Capital Announces the Sale of Azimuth Technology
NEW ORLEANS, Sept. 29, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- LongueVue Capital ("LVC"), a New Orleans-based private equity firm, announced today the sale of Azimuth Technology ("Azimuth") to Chumash Capital Investments, LLC ("CCI"), a wholly owned investment entity of the Santa Ynez Band of Chumash...
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Azimuth Technology
Azimuth Technology, LLC, believes it is our responsibility to bring Manufacturing back to America. That is why we pride ourselves in our commitment to our country and our people. Headquartered in Naples, FL, Azimuth Technology, LLC specializes in precision contract manufacturing for various industries including defense, aerospace, oil/gas, and more... Read More