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Ventosa Kennel Employee Directory

Ventosa Kennel corporate office is located in 312 E 9th St, Scotland Neck, North Carolina, 27874, United States and has 4 employees.

Key Employees of Ventosa Kennel

Ventosa Kennel Global Presence

globalPresence illustration
North America5

Index of contact profiles from Ventosa Kennel

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Former Employees at Ventosa Kennel

Explore people who held key positions, contributed to Ventosa Kennel's success, and advanced their careers.

  1. Worked as Contract K-9 Instructor & Trainer

    at Ventosa Kennel (2016-2017)

    email Kent Vaughan Email direct Kent Vaughan Direct
  2. Machine Operator and A... at Hubbell Incorporated

    Worked as Trainer

    at Ventosa Kennel (2016-2017)

    email Jesse Bunting Email direct Jesse Bunting Direct
  3. Director, Operations at Nc K9

    Worked as Police K9 Trainer

    at Ventosa Kennel (2014-2015)

    email Jim O'Brien Email direct Jim O'Brien Direct

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Ventosa Kennel Employees

How many employees does Ventosa Kennel have?
Ventosa Kennel has 4 employees
Who are Ventosa Kennel key employees?
Some of Ventosa Kennel key employees are Tennessee Bowling-Ventosa, Cassie Denton
Where is Ventosa Kennel located?
Ventosa Kennel’s headquarters are located at 312 E 9th St, Scotland Neck, North Carolina, 27874, United States
How do I contact Ventosa Kennel?
Ventosa Kennel Contact Info: Phone number: (252) 826-4415 Website: www.ventosakennelnc.com
What does Ventosa Kennel do?

Ventosa Kennel is a premier Police K9 training facility in North Carolina, producing unsurpassed working dogs for law enforcement and other working duties. We sell trained police dogs and we sell untrained or "green" dogs that have been screened and tested and ready to be trained. We specialize in training K9 handlers and dogs for police patrol wor... k, narcotics detection, bomb detection, tracking, wildlife detection, and other specialty training. Our goal is and has always been to train to the highest level attainable. Our working dogs and training are second to none!Read More

Is Ventosa Kennel a public company?
Ventosa Kennel is private company therefore does not currently have an official ticker symbol
See more information about Ventosa Kennel Employees

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