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Trinity Christian Centre Employee Directory

Trinity Christian Centre corporate office is located in 247 Paya Lebar Rd, Singapore, Central Singapore, 409045, Singapore and has 40 employees.

Key Employees of Trinity Christian Centre

Trinity Christian Centre Global Presence

globalPresence illustration

Index of contact profiles from Trinity Christian Centre

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Contact Info
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Last Update

Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Trinity Christian Centre Employees

How many employees does Trinity Christian Centre have?
Trinity Christian Centre has 40 employees
Who are Trinity Christian Centre key employees?
Some of Trinity Christian Centre key employees are Jeannette Kwek, Ray Ng, Lim Willie, Diana Lim, Ong Hui
Where is Trinity Christian Centre located?
Trinity Christian Centre’s headquarters are located at 247 Paya Lebar Rd, Singapore, Central Singapore, 409045, Singapore
How do I contact Trinity Christian Centre?
Trinity Christian Centre Contact Info: Phone number: +65 64684444 Website: www.trinity.sg
What does Trinity Christian Centre do?

We see our worship services, prayer meetings and small groups as places where people hunger for the presence of God and where God delights to inhabit and dwell. In a vibrant atmosphere of worship, prayer and discipleship, we see people encountering God and the manifestation of signs, wonders and miracles. We see Trinity Christian Centre as a church... living together in covenantal relationships; where small groups, ministries, families and individuals are flowing in corporate unity to fulfill God's purpose and plan for the church for that hour. We see a people consumed with a vision to touch the world for Jesus Christ and to see His glory displayed throughout the world. We see a church with a passionate heartbeat to fulfull God's global agenda through sending men and women of faith to equip and empower churches and the body of Christ. We see the church as a place for the empowerment and development of Spirit-filled leaders who will be strategically positioned and deployed within the Body of Christ. Every Trinitarian a leader with a ministry.Read More

Is Trinity Christian Centre a public company?
Trinity Christian Centre is private company therefore does not currently have an official ticker symbol
See more information about Trinity Christian Centre Employees

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