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PRGD Employee Directory

PRGD corporate office is located in 26 Bo. Martn Gonzlez, Carolina, Puerto Rico, 00987, United States and has 26 employees.

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Tino AriasPRGD
Tino AriasChief Executive Officer & Founder
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding PRGD Employees

How many employees does PRGD have?
PRGD has 26 employees
Who is the CEO of PRGD?
PRGD’s CEO is Tino Arias
Who are PRGD key employees?
Some of PRGD key employees are Manuel Ferrer, Celestino Arias
Where is PRGD located?
PRGD’s headquarters are located at 26 Bo. Martn Gonzlez, Carolina, Puerto Rico, 00987, United States
How do I contact PRGD?
PRGD Contact Info: Phone number: (787) 757-3333 Website: www.prgdco.com
What does PRGD do?

PRGD is a Wholesale Distribution Company that sells grocery and health & beauty care products to supermarket chains and retail sales outlets called small business format stores in Puerto Rico. To develop these unique programs, PRGD has a staff of industry veterans who have succeeded in some of the most outstanding supermarket chains in the grocery... and health & beauty care industries in Puerto Rico. The members of our team have had successful careers prior to joining PRGD and their inclusion will ensure PRGD'S success. With over 150 independent middle market and small format supermarkets, 400 independent drugstores, and 1,500 convenience stores, Puerto Rico boasts grocery retail sales above $5 billion annually. It is also one of the largest sales per square foot and per capita markets in the Western Hemisphere. This diverse market of four million consumers is geared towards new brands and better nutrition. To this end, PRGD has entered the distribution of natural and organic products including grocery, health & beauty care and supplements. This market grew steadily and has recently further developed with the arrival of the Fresh Mart Chain and the opening of new category isles for natural and organic products in locally owned supermarkets. Meanwhile the small business format segment continues to receive consumer attention, has gathered strength and is in a spiral growth momentum. PRGD is positioned to fuel the segment's growth and consumer demand by developing brands strategically aligned to this market trend supplying the needs based on request. Small business format stores are vital to neighborhoods food supply. With today's busy households, consumers are staying closer to home rather than price shopping at Big Box National US chain stores which add time constraints. These stores serve the community better with a broader range of products and PRGD simplifies the order processing systems. Typically, small business format accounts are more costly to service and PRGD is geared to work with these types of stores ...Read More

Is PRGD a public company?
PRGD is private company therefore does not currently have an official ticker symbol
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