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Philander Smith College Employee Directory

Philander Smith College corporate office is located in 900 W Daisy L Gatson Bates Dr Ste 201A, Little Rock, Arkansas, 72202, United States and has 272 employees.

Philander Smith College CEO

Maurice GipsonPhilander Smith College
Maurice GipsonInterim President & Chief Executive Officer
See Profile

Key Employees of Philander Smith College

Philander Smith College Global Presence

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North America181

Index of contact profiles from Philander Smith College

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Philander Smith College Employees

How many employees does Philander Smith College have?
Philander Smith College has 272 employees
Who is the CEO of Philander Smith College?
Philander Smith College’s CEO is Maurice Gipson
Who is the CFO of Philander Smith College?
Philander Smith College’s CFO is Willie Hughey
Who are Philander Smith College key employees?
Some of Philander Smith College key employees are Gregory Hudson, Willie Hughey, Roderick Smothers, Cynthia Hopson, Nicholas Tea
Where is Philander Smith College located?
Philander Smith College’s headquarters are located at 900 W Daisy L Gatson Bates Dr Ste 201A, Little Rock, Arkansas, 72202, United States
How do I contact Philander Smith College?
Philander Smith College Contact Info: Phone number: (501) 375-9845 Website: www.philander.edu
What does Philander Smith College do?

Philander Smith College is a private historically black college, four-year undergraduate liberal arts institution, located in Little Rock, Arkansas . Philander Smith College is affiliated with the United Methodist Church and a founding member of the United Negro College Fund (UNCF). Philander Smith College is accredited by the North Central Associa... tion of Colleges and Schools. Philander is also classified as a baccalaureate (liberal arts) college by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. The college offers four degrees: the bachelor of arts, the bachelor of science, the bachelor of business administration, and the bachelor of social work. Founded in 1877, Philander Smith College is the result of the first attempt west of the Mississippi River to make education available to freedmen (former African American slaves). The forerunner of the college was Walden Seminary, named in honor of Dr. J.M. Walden, one of the originators and the first corresponding secretary of the Freedmen's Aid Society. Philander Smith College was chartered as a four-year college on March 3, 1883. The first baccalaureate degree was conferred in 1888. In July 1948 the site of the Little Rock Junior College, adjacent to the South end of Philander Smith's campus, was purchased. On March 30, 1949, after an extensive program of academic improvement, Philander Smith College was fully accredited by the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools.Read More

Is Philander Smith College a public company?
Philander Smith College is private company therefore does not currently have an official ticker symbol
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