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Murtada Maaz Consultancy SD Employee Directory

Murtada Maaz Consultancy SD corporate office is located in Ebed Khatim St, Khartoum, Khartoum, Sudan and has 93 employees.

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Engineering & Technical










Human Resources


Murtada Maaz Consultancy SD CEO

Murtada MaazMurtada Maaz Consultancy SD
Murtada MaazChief Executive Officer
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Key Employees of Murtada Maaz Consultancy SD

Murtada Maaz Consultancy SD Global Presence

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Former Employees at Murtada Maaz Consultancy SD

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Murtada Maaz Consultancy SD Employees

How many employees does Murtada Maaz Consultancy SD have?
Murtada Maaz Consultancy SD has 93 employees
Who is the CEO of Murtada Maaz Consultancy SD?
Murtada Maaz Consultancy SD’s CEO is Murtada Maaz
Who are Murtada Maaz Consultancy SD key employees?
Some of Murtada Maaz Consultancy SD key employees are Qurashi Abbas, Abeer Marouf, Abdelwhab Ahmed, Anwar Adam, Maha Raouf
Where is Murtada Maaz Consultancy SD located?
Murtada Maaz Consultancy SD’s headquarters are located at Ebed Khatim St, Khartoum, Khartoum, Sudan
How do I contact Murtada Maaz Consultancy SD?
Murtada Maaz Consultancy SD Contact Info: Phone number: +249 183780911 Website: www.murtadamaaz.com
What does Murtada Maaz Consultancy SD do?

Murtada Maaz Consultancy Is a well-established practice founded back in 1995 to provide excellence through innovation, by Murtada Maaz - Architect and general manager, and is located in Khartoum Sudan. Since Murtada Maaz Consultancy established in 1995 , it has worked on more than 900 projects, its key objective is to provide precise professional s... ervices in a versatile and efficient manner. The complexity inherent in the design and construction industry demands clear thinking and an organized project management approach. The clarity evident in our project management abilities also surfaces in our design skills; our designs are technically resolved and clearly delineated.Read More

Is Murtada Maaz Consultancy SD a public company?
Murtada Maaz Consultancy SD is private company therefore does not currently have an official ticker symbol
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