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MCM Composites Employee Directory

MCM Composites corporate office is located in 1315 S 41st St, Manitowoc, Wisconsin, 54220, United States and has 64 employees.

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Engineering & Technical






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    Michael Fredri...


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MCM Composites Global Presence

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North America9

Index of contact profiles from MCM Composites

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Former Employees at MCM Composites

Explore people who held key positions, contributed to MCM Composites's success, and advanced their careers.

  1. Applications Engineer at TANN

    Worked as Manufacturing Process Engineer & Intern

    at MCM Composites (2021-2021)

    email Emily Dorn Email direct Emily Dorn Direct
  2. General Laborer at VT Industries

    Worked as Assistant Supervisor

    at MCM Composites (2019-2021)

    email Vickie Carrico Email direct Vickie Carrico Direct

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding MCM Composites Employees

How many employees does MCM Composites have?
MCM Composites has 64 employees
Who are MCM Composites key employees?
Some of MCM Composites key employees are Michael Fredrich
Where is MCM Composites located?
MCM Composites’s headquarters are located at 1315 S 41st St, Manitowoc, Wisconsin, 54220, United States
How do I contact MCM Composites?
MCM Composites Contact Info: Phone number: (920) 684-7800 Website: www.mcmusa.net
What does MCM Composites do?

MCM Composites, LLC specializes in manufacturing thermoset injection molded parts, especially suited for the electronics and appliance industries. Through precision injection molding, we produce intricate as well as large parts made from phenolics, alkyds, polyester (both BMC and SMC), carbon fiber compounds, and composite material. The weight of t... hese parts ranges from 0.1 grams to 10 pounds. Our custom mold shop is equipped with a range of electrical and hydraulic injection molding presses with tonnage capacities ranging from 75 tons to 500 tons. These molding presses are equipped with degas sequence, gate cut sequence, core pull, and runnerless injection compression systems. MCM's manufacturing plant also houses a quality lab, tool repair shop, plus cool room for storing perishable raw materials and customers' molds. Our fully equipped tool shop enables us to design unique tools to create molds as well as offer repair and maintenance services for customers' molds. We work in conjunction with our customers, toolmakers, and tool designers to construct initial 3D models of the products. In-house tooling capabilities assist us to optimize product quality, maximize production efficiency, and minimize product cost. Molded parts, manufactured from our specially formulated high-strength, thermoset composites, can be used as economical alternatives to stamped or formed parts, aluminum extrusions, and other machined components. Through thermoset injection molding, we also fabricate parts that offer superior mechanical performance at temperatures as high as 260C and multi-piece part assemblies into a single mold. Secondary services such as tapping, drilling, and coating, as well as multi-piece assembling are also offered on injection molded parts.Read More

Is MCM Composites a public company?
MCM Composites is private company therefore does not currently have an official ticker symbol
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