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EDGECHEM Employee Directory

EDGECHEM corporate office is located in 3668 NW 48th Ter, Miami, Florida, 33142, United States and has 25 employees.

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding EDGECHEM Employees

How many employees does EDGECHEM have?
EDGECHEM has 25 employees
Who are EDGECHEM key employees?
Some of EDGECHEM key employees are Sherry McGregor, Mellissa McHargh
Where is EDGECHEM located?
EDGECHEM’s headquarters are located at 3668 NW 48th Ter, Miami, Florida, 33142, United States
How do I contact EDGECHEM?
EDGECHEM Contact Info: Phone number: (786) 339-6120 Website: www.edgechem.com
What does EDGECHEM do?

Our lines of products are well known for quality, consistency and performance. From Automotive coatings to wood sanding sealers we've got it all. Our products are designed and formulated to attain the highest international standards, and able to compete with the best in the world. EdgeChem, founded in 1990, is a wholly Jamaican-owned company. EdgeC... hem aims to put science to work by constant research into improving our products while maintaining cost efficient and quality proven products. Acting on its commitment to respond to the needs of its ever growing customer base EdgeChem, in 1996, entered into a technical partnership with Akzo Nobel - the largest paint firm in the world. This allowed for EdgeChem's successful penetration into the high-end auto-refinishers market, while Akzo Nobel's products were marketed under its own brand - Sikkens. EdgeChem, based on customer feedback, then developed its own local brand of automotive refinishers - AUTOMEL & AUTOMEL SUPER. Our ability to adapt and provide client-based painting solutions has pushed EdgeChem to become one of the Caribbean's leading paint companies. But in the face of constant change, innovation and discovery, our core values have remained constant - a commitment to quality, client-focused solutions, health and safety, and the best value for money. In 1998 EdgeChem expanded its distribution network into the Caribbean exporting to Barbados, Antigua, Trinidad, Belize, St. Lucia and Dominica. mission-statementRead More

Is EDGECHEM a public company?
EDGECHEM is private company therefore does not currently have an official ticker symbol
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