Drenner Group, PC is a real estate boutique law firm that specializes in land use, entitlement issues and incentive requests. We are based in Austin and have worked all over the Central Texas region. Our partners, associates and land use professionals offer extensive experience with the development processes and regulations of Austin and San Antoni... o and many other Central Texas municipalities and counties. In those processes, we interact with governmental technical and legal staff. We also confer with and appear in public hearings before elected or appointed city councils, county commissioners' courts, zoning and planning commissions, and environmental boards. We have relationships with regional and local environmental interest groups, neighborhood associations and other special interest advocacy groups, and we have a record of successfully working with those groups throughout the development process. We have pursued and obtained municipal approvals for, among other things, annexation, zoning, Chapter 245 grandfathering claims, development agreements, amendments to neighborhood plans and master plans, subdivision plats, site development plans, variances, and utility extensions. Furthermore, we have worked with state and federal agencies, including TxDOT, TCEQ, CAMPO, and the General Land Office, among others, to obtain advanced funding agreements and curb cut approvals on state highways, wastewater package treatment plant approvals, amendments to the metropolitan planning organization transportation plan, and beachfront construction certificates. We participate in regional and local planning efforts, such as Envision Central Texas, City of Austin Imagine Austin Comprehensive Plan, City of Austin Downtown Plan, City of San Antonio roadway overlay development standards, City of San Antonio Unified Development Code annual updates, development of retail design standards, creation of new land use definitions and zoning districts to accommodate new technology, businesses and planning practices, and amendments to ...Read More