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Bridge Meadows Employee Directory

Bridge Meadows corporate office is located in 8502 N Wayland Ave, Portland, Oregon, 97203, United States and has 15 employees.

Key Employees of Bridge Meadows

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Bridge Meadows Employees

How many employees does Bridge Meadows have?
Bridge Meadows has 15 employees
Who are Bridge Meadows key employees?
Some of Bridge Meadows key employees are Renee Moseley, Maryam Bolouri, Lisa Steenson, Kenny Weiner, Lindsay Magnuson
Where is Bridge Meadows located?
Bridge Meadows’s headquarters are located at 8502 N Wayland Ave, Portland, Oregon, 97203, United States
How do I contact Bridge Meadows?
Bridge Meadows Contact Info: Phone number: (503) 953-1100 Website: www.bridgemeadows.org
What does Bridge Meadows do?

Bridge Meadows is a community designed to change the face of the foster care system. Every day, in the state of Oregon, over 8,000 children are in the system awaiting adoption or a reunion with their birth parents. For some of those children, that day will never come. Bridge Meadows is a unique and innovative solution to the current foster care cri... sis. Located in the Portsmouth Neighborhood of Portland, Bridge Meadows is a three-generation housing community consisting of homes for adoptive families and apartments for elders 55 and older. Parents and children who live at Bridge Meadows are provided a lifeline of support throughout their journey of adoption. We offer on-site counseling, cultural activities, workshops, support groups and recreation as a resource for parents and healing for children. Most importantly though, families are surrounded by elders who volunteer their time and energy on behalf of the community. Caring connections between families and grandparents are made every day. Elders at Bridge Meadows act as surrogate grandparents and mentors to the children and families who live here. Our elders volunteer 10 hours per week teaching arts and crafts, giving music lessons and taking the kids to the park during the summer. Elders at Bridge Meadows are involved and active and experience meaning and purpose in their lives.Read More

Is Bridge Meadows a public company?
Bridge Meadows is private company therefore does not currently have an official ticker symbol
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