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Balthazar Employee Directory

Balthazar corporate office is located in 80 Spring St, New York City, New York, 10012, United States and has 128 employees.

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Balthazar CEO

John StefanidisBalthazar
John StefanidisChief Executive Officer
See Profile

Key Employees of Balthazar

Balthazar Global Presence

globalPresence illustration
North America38
South America1

Index of contact profiles from Balthazar

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Former Employees at Balthazar

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Balthazar Employees

How many employees does Balthazar have?
Balthazar has 128 employees
Who is the CEO of Balthazar?
Balthazar’s CEO is John Stefanidis
Who are Balthazar key employees?
Some of Balthazar key employees are Alisa Hixson, Erin Wendt, Elizabeth Kim, Beth Blankenhorn, Etai Almog
Where is Balthazar located?
Balthazar’s headquarters are located at 80 Spring St, New York City, New York, 10012, United States
How do I contact Balthazar?
Balthazar Contact Info: Phone number: (212) 965-1414 Website: www.balthazarny.com
What does Balthazar do?

Since 1997, we have been making bread and breakfast pastries for the tables of Balthazar, our namesake brasserie in New York, which opened that year. Since 2000, when we moved to our current home in Englewood, New Jersey, we have also delivered our products every night to discerning restaurants, cafes, and shops throughout the New York metropolitan... area. Our product range and our distribution have grown, but our commitment to fine craftsmanship is the same as it was the day we pulled our first loaves from the oven. We hope you'll roam around the site, and come visit our bakery if you can. (telephone) 201.503.9717 info@balthazarbakery.comRead More

Is Balthazar a public company?
Balthazar is private company therefore does not currently have an official ticker symbol
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