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Altoros Development Employee Directory

Altoros Development corporate office is located in 4900 Hopyard Rd Ste 100, Pleasanton, California, 94588, United States and has 48 employees.

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Information Technology








Engineering & Technical




Key Employees of Altoros Development

Altoros Development Global Presence

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North America2

Index of contact profiles from Altoros Development

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Altoros Development Employees

How many employees does Altoros Development have?
Altoros Development has 48 employees
Who are Altoros Development key employees?
Some of Altoros Development key employees are Anna Kvyatkovskaya, Andrew Aminov, Julia Kuzmina
Where is Altoros Development located?
Altoros Development’s headquarters are located at 4900 Hopyard Rd Ste 100, Pleasanton, California, 94588, United States
How do I contact Altoros Development?
Altoros Development Contact Info: Phone number: (650) 662-5052 Website: www.altoroslabs.com
What does Altoros Development do?

Altoros is committed to protecting the privacy rights of data subjects. Altoros, we, and us refer to Altoros Americas LLC, Altoros Norge AS, Altoros Finland OY, Altoros A.S., and Altoros Development LLC. (Check out our contact information ). We offer a wide range of software development services. We refer to all of these products, together with our... other services and websites as "Services" in this policy. This policy refers to the data we collect when you use our services or communicate with us. Examples include visiting our website, downloading our white papers and other materials, responding to our e-mails, and attending our events. This policy also explains your rights with respect to data we collect about you. Data privacy of our employees is regulated in separate local act and is not regulated by this policy. Your information is controlled by Altoros. If you have any questions or concerns about how your information is handled, please direct an inquiry to us at dpo@altoros.com . Alexey Lekontsev is our Data Protection Officer (DPO), with overall responsibility for the day-to-day implementation of this policy. If you do not agree with this policy, please do not access or use our services, or interact with any other aspect of our business. When you visit our website, we collect usage statistics and other data, which helps us to estimate the efficiency of the content delivered. Processing data gathered from our website also helps us to provide better user experience and improve the products and services we offer. We collect information through the use of cookies, scripts, tags, Local Shared Objects (Flash cookies), web beacons, and other related methods. 2.1. We collect the following categories of data: Cookies and similar technologies (e.g., web beacons, pixels, ad tags and device identifiers) HTTP cookie is a small piece of data that we send to your browser when you visit our website. After your computer accepts it or takes the cookie it is stored on your computer as an identification tag. Cookies are ...Read More

Is Altoros Development a public company?
Altoros Development is private company therefore does not currently have an official ticker symbol
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