Wassenberg Art Center
Hospitality · Ohio, United States · <25 Employees
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214 S Washington St, Van Wert, Ohio, 45891, Uni...Phone Number
(419) 238-6837Website
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Who is Wassenberg Art Center
The Wassenberg Art Center, a visual art center sometimes does things that may not seem strictly speaking, "visual art". We are no different than th e art museums around the world using similar techniques to further enrich the art experience. As technology has changed so too have the audiences visiting such venues. Smaller communities are even more challenged with less population around them to physically participate. Art museums and centers around the world are changing their methods, those that do not, experience lower visitor numbers. We too are striving to break the stereotypical non-interactive practice of going to a museum merely to study silent paintings on a wall. Art organizations that have been presented in traditional ways in the past have been undergoing a long period of growth to stay relevant. It takes creative thinking, hard work constant monitoring to keep pace and instill in future generations that art is indeed, NOT boring and creating art unattainable. In addition to the Wassenberg Art Center's upholding of decades-long traditional exhibits and bringing serious national-level art exhibits, our policy is to host events in which people, who may not be interested in coming to an art center, actually do. Some events encourage the participants to think creatively by making costumes and coming to learn how we make the decorations for varying events. We attempt to host one interactive exhibit per year where touching and participation is encouraged such as "Get in the Swing", an exhibit held in July of 2016. In this show artist-designed swings were hung from our rafters and participants encouraged to swing. It turned out to be more popular than anticipated. Music and visual arts go hand-in-hand and every attempt to sync the current exhibit with the music is made. We primarily host regional, upcoming, contemporary groups who often have significant original material. Yes, we have a local, awesome performing art center but these "local" musicians are skilled and their willingness to create a more ...Read more
Popular SearchesWassenberg Art CenterWassenberg Art Center AssociationThe Wassenberg Art Center AssociationSIC Code 84,841NAICS Code 71,712Show moreWassenberg Art Center Org Chart
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Wassenberg Art Center
The Wassenberg Art Center, a visual art center sometimes does things that may not seem strictly speaking, "visual art". We are no different than the art museums around the world using similar techniques to further enrich the art experience. As technology has changed so too have the audiences visiting such venues. Smaller communities are even more c... Read More