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Who is Univap
University of Paraba Valley (Universidade do Vale do Paraba, Univap) is a private university in So José dos Campos in the state of So Paulo, Brazil . In 40 years, the Universidade do Vale do Paraba (University of Paraba Valley) or, as it is more popularly known, Univap, has evolved from a small, local law school into a major, multifaceted university of quality and renown. The history of Univap begins with the establishment of the Valeparaibana Teaching Foundation (FVE) in August 1963. The initiative came from prominent community leaders who were concerned with creating a trained labor force and improving the local education and culture and contributing to the citys progress. Other courses were added to the curriculum and, in 1982, the FVE was restructured to become the Faculdades Integradas de So José dos Campos. Ten years later, in April 1992, the expanded educational facility was given university status and rechristened as Univap.Read more
Popular SearchesUnivapUniversidade do Vale do ParaíbaTV UnivapColgio UNIVAP - Unidade CentroFEAU UnivapSIC Code 82,822NAICS Code 61,611Show moreUnivap Org Chart
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Univap
University of Paraba Valley (Universidade do Vale do Paraba, Univap) is a private university in So José dos Campos in the state of So Paulo, Brazil. In 40 years, the Universidade do Vale do Paraba (University of Paraba Valley) or, as it is more popularly known, Univap, has evolved from a small, local law school into a major, multifaceted university... Read More