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She is passionate about a world of no poverty and believes that improving the livelihood of women by giving them access to financial independence, creating and providing them equal opportunities will ultimately reduce the rate of poverty in nations. She works predominately in the technology space, championing projects that bridge the digital knowledge divide between men and women. Diwura has a Master of Advanced Management from Yale School of Management and an MBA from Lagos Business School, Pan-Atlantic University. She serves on the Executive Board of the Lagos Business School Alumni Association. Joel has a strong passion for sustainable development, access to skill and opportunity for young people, technology, and social entrepreneurship. Joel is focused on helping emerging underserved communities have access to technology, and he does this by providing partnerships and sustainability advisory for Tech4Dev. He currently serves as the Senior Special Assistant to the Governor on Innovation and Partnerships where he heads the Ondo State Office of Innovation and Partnerships. Michael has over 6 years of experience in supporting digital communities and tech-enabled start-ups to thrive in sub-Saharan Africa and has worked with a number of international and local organisations to implement strategic programs including the World Bank, GIZ and various state governments. Michael believes that the sustainability and interdependence of effective local community is the key to successful nation building. Blessing is passionate about women development, especially in the areas of sexual and reproductive health. She finds time to train women on healthy living and body hygiene. She also works on topics relating to education and continuously champion initiatives that is focused on digital literacy for children. Blessing is a graduate of Human Physiology from the University of Calabar, Calabar. She enjoys taking up new challenges, meeting people, and traveling to new places. She loves telling stories; she believes that ...Read more
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She is passionate about a world of no poverty and believes that improving the livelihood of women by giving them access to financial independence, creating and providing them equal opportunities will ultimately reduce the rate of poverty in nations. She works predominately in the technology space, championing projects that bridge the digital knowle... Read More