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Santel Communications

Telecommunications · South Dakota, United States · 30 Employees

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308 S Dumont Ave, Woonsocket, South Dakota, 573...

Phone Number

(605) 796-4411


$7 Million


Telecommunications General Telecommunications

Most Recent Scoops

May 17 2022
Dec 15 2021
A front-line source in product management has indicated that the organization has completed initiatives related to improving time to market within the last nine months.
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Who is Santel Communications

Santel Communications is the area's total communications provider. We offer Long Distance; Broadband Internet Access which includes dial up internet access, high-speed broadband, Wireless Broadband; and cable TV. Santel Business Technologies provides business telephone systems and data networking solutions to businesses of all sizes. Santel was instrumental in setting up the SIVN Distance Learning in this area. In 1998 the SIVN Network received an award as second in the nation for the work Santel has done with distance learning between business and industry. Santel Communication has a history of longevity and is known for success in the telephone industry as an area leader that delivers the newest technology to subscribers before many other areas receive it. Our history includes 4 general managers: Raymond Judy, 1955-1985; Dick Johnston, 1985-1998; Gene Kroell, 1998-2005; and Ryan Thompson, 2006 to present.Read more
Santel Communications's Social MediaPopular SearchesSantel CommunicationsSantelSantel Communications CoSantel Communications IncSantel Communications LLCSIC Code 48,481NAICS Code 51,517Show more

Santel Communications Org Chart

Ryan Thompson

General Manager & Chief Executive Officer

Stacy Buckley





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Santel Communications Tech Stack

A closer look at the technologies used by Santel Communications

Most Recent Scoops

May 17 2022
Upgrade, Network, Wireless
Dec 17 2021
User Experience, Product Management
Dec 15 2021
A front-line source in product management has indicated that the organization has completed initiatives related to improving time to market within the last nine months.
Product Development, Product Management
Nov 30 2021
A front-line source in product management has indicated that the organization is planning to begin initiatives related to project management software within six to nine months. The organization is leveraging an innovative billing and financial solution.
Product Management, Software
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Santel Communications

Where is Santel Communications located?
Santel Communications's headquarters are located at 308 S Dumont Ave, Woonsocket, South Dakota, 57385, United States
What is Santel Communications's phone number?
Santel Communications's phone number is (605) 796-4411
What is Santel Communications's official website?
Santel Communications's official website is www.santel.coop
What is Santel Communications's Revenue?
Santel Communications's revenue is $7 Million
What is Santel Communications's SIC code?
Santel Communications's SIC: 48,481
What is Santel Communications's NAICS code?
Santel Communications's NAICS: 51,517
How many employees does Santel Communications have?
Santel Communications has 30 employees
What industry does Santel Communications belong to?
Santel Communications is in the industry of: Telecommunications General, Telecommunications
What is Santel Communications competition?
Santel Communications top competitors include: D & P Communications, Endeavor Communications, CTC, Mosaic Telecom
What technology does Santel Communications use?
Some of the popular technologies that Santel Communications uses are: goo.gl, Facebook Web Custom Audiences, Facebook Pixel, WordPress.org
Who is the CEO of Santel Communications?
Santel Communications's CEO is Ryan Thompson
How do I contact Santel Communications?
Santel Communications contact info: Phone number: (605) 796-4411 Website: www.santel.coop
What does Santel Communications do?

Santel Communications is the area's total communications provider. We offer Long Distance; Broadband Internet Access which includes dial up internet access, high-speed broadband, Wireless Broadband; and cable TV. Santel Business Technologies provides business telephone systems and data networking solutions to businesses of all sizes. Santel was ins... trumental in setting up the SIVN Distance Learning in this area. In 1998 the SIVN Network received an award as second in the nation for the work Santel has done with distance learning between business and industry. Santel Communication has a history of longevity and is known for success in the telephone industry as an area leader that delivers the newest technology to subscribers before many other areas receive it. Our history includes 4 general managers: Raymond Judy, 1955-1985; Dick Johnston, 1985-1998; Gene Kroell, 1998-2005; and Ryan Thompson, 2006 to present.Read More

What are Santel Communications social media links?
Santel Communications Linkedin page Santel Communications Twitter page Santel Communications Facebook page
Is Santel Communications a public company?
Santel Communications is private company therefore does not currently have an official ticker symbol
See more information about Santel Communications

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