Samarco Mineracao
Minerals & Mining · Brazil · 13,000 Employees
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1.122-9 Rua Paraiba, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gera...Phone Number
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$7.2 BillionIndustry
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Vale SA and Samarco’s Dutch Subsidiary Named in £3 Billion Dutch Lawsuit Led by Pogust Goodhead for Mariana Dam Failure: Firms Freeze shares in Vale’s Dutch Subsidiary
AMSTERDAM & LONDON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Vale SA (VALE3:SAO), (VALE3:BZ), (VALE:NYSE), (0LBF:LSE), the world’s second-biggest mining company, is facing a new lawsuit for its role in the Mariana Dam collapse, Brazil’s worst environmental disaster. The £3bn action is on behalf of claimants including seven Brazilian municipalities (from the states of Bahia, Espirito Santo and Minas Gerais), nearly 1,000 businesses and associations, and over 77,000 individuals. The case was launched in the NetherlandsSamarco Mineração S.A. breaks monthly world record in iron ore pellet production with its Metso Pelletizing Plant
Metso Corporation’s press release on October 25, 2023, at 09:00 a.m. EEST Samarco Mineração S.A. has set a monthly production record during August 2023 of 824,829 tonnes of high-grade pellets in a single pelletizing line with its 816 m[2] Metso Pelletizing Plant Indurating Machine #4 at its Ubu site in Brazil. At an annual level, the production is equivalent to approximately 8.8 to 9.0 Mtpa of pellets in a single machine. Samarco has installed threeCourt approves Samarco recovery plan - The Brazilian Report
A Minas Gerais business court approved the recovery plan of mining firm Samarco, to restructure its BRL 50.5 billion debt
Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Samarco Mineracao
Samarco Mineração S.A. is a Brazilian mining company owned equally by the Brazilian Vale S.A. and the Anglo-Australian BHP Billiton. The company has operations across Brazil, where it mines, refines, produces and exports iron ore. The company has two international offices in Hong Kong and Amsterdam.... Read More