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Insurance · New Jersey, United States · 40,366 Employees

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751 Broad St, Newark, New Jersey, 07102, United...

Phone Number

(973) 802-6000


$60.8 Billion

Stock Symbol




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Prudential has more open roles in Sales than it has had at any time in the past 12 months.
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Who is Prudential

Prudential Financial, Inc., together with its subsidiaries, provides insurance, investment management, and other financial products and services in the United States and internationally. It operates through PGIM, Retirement Strategies, Group Insurance, Individual Life, and International Businesses segments. The PGIM segment offers investment management services and solutions related to public fixed income, public equity, real estate debt and equity, private credit and other alternatives, and multi-asset class strategies to institutional and retail clients, as well as its general account. The Retirement Strategies segment provides a range of retirement investment, and income products and services to retirement plan sponsors in the public, private, and not-for-profit sectors; develops and distributes individual variable and fixed annuity products. The Group Insurance segment offers various group life, and long-term and short-term group disability, as well as group corporate-, bank-, and trust-owned life insurance in the United States primarily for institutional clients for use in connection with employee and membership benefits plans; sells accidental death and dismemberment, and other supplemental health solutions; and plan administration services in connection with its insurance coverages. The Individual Life segment develops and distributes variable life, universal life, and term life insurance products. The International Businesses segment develops and distributes life insurance, retirement products, investment products, and certain accident and health products; and advisory services. The company provides its products and services to individual and institutional customers through its proprietary and third-party distribution networks. Prudential Financial, Inc. was founded in 1875 and is headquartered in Newark, New Jersey.Read more

Prudential's Social MediaPopular SearchesPrudential Financial IncPrudential FinancialPrudentialPrudential Insurance CoPrudential California RealtySIC Code 64,641NAICS Code 52,524Ticker NYSE:PRUShow more

Prudential Org Chart

Charles Lowrey

Chief Executive Officer & Chairman

Derek Mei

Chief Marketing Officer

Yanela Frias

Executive Vice President & Chief Financial Of...



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Prudential uses at least 5 email formats with first.last (ex. John.Smith@prudential.com) being used 88.3% of the time

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Most Recent Scoops

Sep 13 2024
Hiring Plans
Sep 10 2024
Open Position
Sep 9 2024
Hiring Plans
Prudential has more open roles in Sales than it has had at any time in the past 12 months.
Sep 9 2024
Hiring Plans
Prudential has more open roles in Finance than it has had at any time in the past 12 months.
Sep 9 2024
Hiring Plans
Prudential has more open roles in Software Development than it has had at any time in the past 12 months.
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Prudential

Where is Prudential located?
Prudential's headquarters are located at 751 Broad St, Newark, New Jersey, 07102, United States
What is Prudential's phone number?
Prudential's phone number is (973) 802-6000
What is Prudential's stock symbol?
Prudential's stock symbol is PRU
What is Prudential's official website?
Prudential's official website is www.prudential.com
What is Prudential's Revenue?
Prudential's revenue is $60.8 Billion
What is Prudential's SIC code?
Prudential's SIC: 64,641
What is Prudential's NAICS code?
Prudential's NAICS: 52,524
How many employees does Prudential have?
Prudential has 40,366 employees
What industry does Prudential belong to?
Prudential is in the industry of: Insurance
What is Prudential competition?
Prudential top competitors include: MetLife, Principal, TIAA, ING Group
What technology does Prudential use?
Some of the popular technologies that Prudential uses are: Apptus, SEDO Parking, Angular 7, Clearstream
Who is the CEO of Prudential?
Prudential's CEO is Charles Lowrey
Who is the CFO of Prudential?
Prudential's CFO is Yanela Frias
Who is the CTO of Prudential?
Prudential's CTO is Robert Sala
How do I contact Prudential?
Prudential contact info: Phone number: (973) 802-6000 Website: www.prudential.com
What does Prudential do?

Prudential Financial, Inc., together with its subsidiaries, provides insurance, investment management, and other financial products and services in the United States and internationally. It operates through PGIM, Retirement Strategies, Group Insurance, Individual Life, and International Businesses segments. The PGIM segment offers investment manage... ment services and solutions related to public fixed income, public equity, real estate debt and equity, private credit and other alternatives, and multi-asset class strategies to institutional and retail clients, as well as its general account. The Retirement Strategies segment provides a range of retirement investment, and income products and services to retirement plan sponsors in the public, private, and not-for-profit sectors; develops and distributes individual variable and fixed annuity products. The Group Insurance segment offers various group life, and long-term and short-term group disability, as well as group corporate-, bank-, and trust-owned life insurance in the United States primarily for institutional clients for use in connection with employee and membership benefits plans; sells accidental death and dismemberment, and other supplemental health solutions; and plan administration services in connection with its insurance coverages. The Individual Life segment develops and distributes variable life, universal life, and term life insurance products. The International Businesses segment develops and distributes life insurance, retirement products, investment products, and certain accident and health products; and advisory services. The company provides its products and services to individual and institutional customers through its proprietary and third-party distribution networks. Prudential Financial, Inc. was founded in 1875 and is headquartered in Newark, New Jersey.Read More

What are Prudential social media links?
Prudential Linkedin page Prudential Twitter page Prudential Facebook page
How much funding has Prudential raised to date?
Prudential has raised $302.5 Million in 1 funding round
When was the last funding round for Prudential?
Prudential closed its last funding round on Dec 12, 2001 with the amount of $302.5 Million
Is Prudential a public company?
Yes, Prudential is a public company and is traded under the symbol PRU
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