Prohibition Craft Spirits
Food & Beverage · Kentucky, United States · <25 Employees
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436 Baxter Ave, Louisville, Kentucky, 40204, Un...Phone Number
(866) 718-9320Revenue
<$5 MillionIndustry
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Who is Prohibition Craft Spirits
Prohibition Craft Spirits is committed to using the finest ingredients with hands-on, devoted attention to every step of the distilling process. Th eir award-winning hand-crafted spirits, while filtered multiple times, retain the essence of what has made Kentucky Bourbons so special for years: Kentucky alkaline limestone waters. The result is a collection of spirits so pure, you'll want to leave the mixers on the shelf. The distillery hand-tends every one of their signature drinks with meticulous attention to detail in small batches of 53 gallons. This process allows their distillers to bring out the desired flavors, cut out a batch multiple times, and refine to near-perfection. Since opening its doors in 2016, Prohibition Craft Spirits has released four signature products, whose namesakes give a nod to iconic Louisville neighborhoods: Nulu 92 Añejo, Nulu Reposado, Highlands Gin, Phoenix Hill Vodka, and Baxter's Rum. Guests of the distillery's tour can experience these creations from " mash to glass" , as all of Prohibition Craft Spirits' operations take place at their Baxter Avenue facility. Prohibition Craft Spirits also offers a one-of-a-kind tour experience, taking guests on a journey back in time through the United States' Prohibition era. Attendants can see the "tools" bootleggers used to make moonshine in the early '20s and hear wild but true accounts of the dangerous practices done to illegally produce, transport, and sell liquor. Guests of the tour also have the opportunity to sample Prohibition Craft Spirit's products and compare how spirits were created then and now.Read more
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Prohibition Craft Spirits Launches NULU Straight Bourbon on Memorial...
Prohibition Craft Spirits, or PCS Distilling Company, launches its newest spirit, NULU Straight Bourbon Single Barrel, on Memorial Day, May 25th. NULU Straight Bourbon is the fifth spirit brand in the... (PRWeb May 25, 2020) Read the full story at
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Prohibition Craft Spirits
Prohibition Craft Spirits is committed to using the finest ingredients with hands-on, devoted attention to every step of the distilling process. Their award-winning hand-crafted spirits, while filtered multiple times, retain the essence of what has made Kentucky Bourbons so special for years: Kentucky alkaline limestone waters. The result is a coll... Read More