MZR Software
Software · Pakistan · <25 Employees
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Who is MZR Software
MZR Software is a strategy, design, and development consultancy with a team of multiple devlopers. Founded in 2018, MZR Software caters to Freelanc e services providing companies and new ventures seeking the management consultants & experienced founders, the technical chops of systems architects, and a UX-first approach. MZR Software provides app and web development, UX/UI design, web design, and app testing via a fully integrated product delivery team. We are an established software development house providing services to foreign clients since 2018. Initially we were developing software mainly for a client specializing in the bio informatics industry. With the passage of time we have switched over to developing Web applciaton and Windows for a clients. MISSION: Our mission is to enhance business growth of our customers with creative design, development and to deliver market defining high quality solutions that create value and reliable competitive advantage to customers around the globe. VISION: Good vision statements have common components: It is written in the present, not future tense. They describe what we will feel, hear, think, say and do as if we had reached our vision now. ... It does not confuse vision with the business goal and objectives for a particular period of time. A web application is application software that runs on a web server, unlike computer-based software programs that are run locally on the operating system of the device. Barcode scanners record and translate barcodes from the image you recognize into alphanumeric digits. The scanner then sends that information along to a computer database. Integrated payments allow the manual, time-consuming accounting process and the payment process to seamlessly work together. Custom software development is the process of designing, creating, deploying and maintaining software for a specific set of users, functions or organizations Inventory is the amount of tangible goods, products or services you offer your customers. Ecommerce businesses most ...Read more
Popular SearchesMZR SoftwareSIC Code 73,737NAICS Code 51,513Show moreMZR Software Org Chart
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding MZR Software
MZR Software is a strategy, design, and development consultancy with a team of multiple devlopers. Founded in 2018, MZR Software caters to Freelance services providing companies and new ventures seeking the management consultants & experienced founders, the technical chops of systems architects, and a UX-first approach. MZR Software provides app an... Read More