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Organizations · New York, United States · 21,077 Employees

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1275 York Ave, New York City, New York, 10065, ...

Phone Number

(212) 639-2000


$7.4 Billion


Organizations General Organizations

Most Recent Scoops

Pain Point
A front-line source in DevOps has indicated that the organization is planning to remediate challenges related to logging. MSK is currently utilizing Datadog. The organization will be increasing investments within the next six months.
A front-line source in DevOps has indicated that the organization is planning to release a request for proposal (RFP) for initiatives related to continuous delivery within the next three to six months. MSK is currently evaluating GitHub. The organization will be decreasing investments and is considering the use of a contingent workforce to support these efforts. The organization is focused on code deployment in this area.
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Who is MSK

Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (MSK) is the world's oldest and largest private cancer center, home to physicians, scientists, nurses, and staff united by a relentless dedication to conquering cancer. As an independent institution, MSK combines years of research and clinical leadership with the freedom to provide highly individualized, exceptional care to each patient. MSK is consistently ranked the number-one hospital for cancer care in the Northeast and among the top two cancer hospitals nationwide.Explore more
MSK's Social MediaPopular SearchesMemorial Sloan Kettering Cancer CenterMemorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer CenterMemorial Sloan KetteringMskMemorial Sloan Kettering CancerSIC Code 86,862NAICS Code 81,813Show more

MSK Org Chart

Selwyn Vickers

President & Chief Executive Officer

Michael Harrington

Chief Operating Officer

Janet Mak

Deputy Chief Information Officer & Vice Presi...



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MSK Email Formats

MSK uses at least 5 email formats with last + first initials (ex. SmithJ@mskcc.org) being used 52% of the time

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MSK Employee Growth Rate

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MSK Tech Stack

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Most Recent Scoops

Pain Point
A front-line source in DevOps has indicated that the organization is planning to remediate challenges related to logging. MSK is currently utilizing Datadog. The organization will be increasing investments within the next six months.
Pain Point, Spending/Investment, DevOps, Financial Planning
A front-line source in DevOps has indicated that the organization is planning to release a request for proposal (RFP) for initiatives related to continuous delivery within the next three to six months. MSK is currently evaluating GitHub. The organization will be decreasing investments and is considering the use of a contingent workforce to support these efforts. The organization is focused on code deployment in this area.
Implementation, Integration, Spending/Investment, Request for Proposal (RFP), Engineering, DevOps, Automation, Contingent Workforce, Financial Planning, Software
A front-line source in DevOps has indicated that the organization has completed initiatives related to communication and collaboration within the last nine months.
Collaboration/Web Apps, DevOps, Employee Relations, Unified Communications, Communications
A front-line source in DevOps has indicated that the organization is planning to release a request for proposal (RFP) for initiatives related to continuous integration within the next three to six months. MSK is currently evaluating Jenkins. The organization will be decreasing investments and is considering the use of a contingent workforce to support these efforts.
Integration, Spending/Investment, Request for Proposal (RFP), Product Development, DevOps, Automation, Contingent Workforce, Financial Planning, Software
Application Development, DevOps, Enterprise Architecture
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding MSK

Where is MSK located?
MSK's headquarters are located at 1275 York Ave, New York City, New York, 10065, United States
What is MSK's phone number?
MSK's phone number is (212) 639-2000
What is MSK's official website?
MSK's official website is www.mskcc.org
What is MSK's Revenue?
MSK's revenue is $7.4 Billion
What is MSK's SIC code?
MSK's SIC: 86,862
What is MSK's NAICS code?
MSK's NAICS: 81,813
How many employees does MSK have?
MSK has 21,077 employees
What industry does MSK belong to?
MSK is in the industry of: Organizations General, Organizations
What is MSK competition?
MSK top competitors include: The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, City of Hope, Moffitt Cancer Center, UT Southwestern Medical Center
What companies has MSK acquired?
MSK has acquired the companies: NIDA-supported, DailyMed, Heart Truth, National Institute of Drug Abuse
What technology does MSK use?
Some of the popular technologies that MSK uses are: Varnish 4, Solidworks, goo.gl, Microsoft IIS
Who is the CEO of MSK?
MSK's CEO is Selwyn Vickers
How do I contact MSK?
MSK contact info: Phone number: (212) 639-2000 Website: www.mskcc.org
What does MSK do?

Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (MSK) is the world's oldest and largest private cancer center, home to physicians, scientists, nurses, and staff united by a relentless dedication to conquering cancer. As an independent institution, MSK combines years of research and clinical leadership with the freedom to provide highly individualized, excep... tional care to each patient. MSK is consistently ranked the number-one hospital for cancer care in the Northeast and among the top two cancer hospitals nationwide.Read More

What are MSK social media links?
MSK Linkedin page MSK Twitter page MSK Facebook page
Is MSK a public company?
MSK is private company therefore does not currently have an official ticker symbol
See more information about MSK

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