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Mohawk Industries

Household Goods · Georgia, United States · 43,300 Employees

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160 S Industrial Blvd, Calhoun, Georgia, 30701,...

Phone Number

(706) 629-7721


$10.9 Billion

Stock Symbol



Household Goods Consumer Goods Manufacturing

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Sep 5 2024
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Mohawk Industries has more open roles in Help Desk / Desktop Services than it has had at any time in the past 12 months.
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Who is Mohawk Industries

Mohawk Industries, Inc. designs, manufactures, sources, distributes, and markets flooring products for residential and commercial remodeling, and n ew construction channels in the United States, Europe, Latin America, and internationally. It operates through three segments: Global Ceramic, Flooring North America, and Flooring Rest of the World. The company provides ceramic, porcelain, and natural stone tiles products for floor and wall applications; natural stones, porcelain slabs, and quartz countertops, as well as installation materials; floor covering products comprising broadloom carpets, carpet tiles, rugs and mats, carpet pads, laminates, medium-density fiberboards, wood floorings, luxury vinyl tiles, and sheet vinyl; and roofing panels, insulation boards, mezzanine flooring products, medium-density fiberboard, and chipboards. It also licenses its intellectual property to flooring manufacturers. The company sells its products under the American Olean, Daltile, Decortiles, Eliane, EmilGroup, KAI, Kerama Marazzi, Marazzi, Ragno, Aladdin Commercial, Durkan, Foss, IVC, Karastan, Mohawk, Mohawk Group, Mohawk Home, Pergo, Portico, Quick-Step, Feltex, GH Commercial, Godfrey Hirst, Hycraft, IVC Commercial, IVC Home, Lentex, Leoline, and Moduleo, Redbook, Unilin, and Vitromex brands. It offers its products to company-owned service centers and stores, company-operated distributors, floor covering retailers, wholesalers, mass merchandisers, department stores, shop at home, buying groups, ceramic tile specialists, e-commerce retailers, residential builders, independent distributors, commercial contractors, and commercial end users. The company was incorporated in 1988 and is headquartered in Calhoun, Georgia.Read more

Mohawk Industries's Social MediaPopular Searchesmohawk industries IncMohawk IndustriesMohawk Carpet LLCMohawkMohawk CarpetSIC Code 22,227NAICS Code 31,314Ticker NYSE:MHKShow more

Mohawk Industries Org Chart

Christopher Wellborn

President, Global Ceramic & Chief Operating O...

April Chisum

Senior Executive Assistant to the Chief Execu...



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Mohawk Industries uses at least 5 email formats with first_last (ex. John_Smith@mohawkind.com) being used 87.4% of the time

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Most Recent Scoops

Sep 13 2024
Hiring Plans
Sep 7 2024
Open Position
Sep 5 2024
Hiring Plans
Mohawk Industries has more open roles in Help Desk / Desktop Services than it has had at any time in the past 12 months.
Aug 28 2024
Hiring Plans
Mohawk Industries has more open roles in Product Management than it has had at any time in the past 9 months.
Aug 22 2024
Open Position
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Mohawk Industries

Where is Mohawk Industries located?
Mohawk Industries's headquarters are located at 160 S Industrial Blvd, Calhoun, Georgia, 30701, United States
What is Mohawk Industries's phone number?
Mohawk Industries's phone number is (706) 629-7721
What is Mohawk Industries's stock symbol?
Mohawk Industries's stock symbol is MHK
What is Mohawk Industries's official website?
Mohawk Industries's official website is mohawkind.com
What is Mohawk Industries's Revenue?
Mohawk Industries's revenue is $10.9 Billion
What is Mohawk Industries's SIC code?
Mohawk Industries's SIC: 22,227
What is Mohawk Industries's NAICS code?
Mohawk Industries's NAICS: 31,314
How many employees does Mohawk Industries have?
Mohawk Industries has 43,300 employees
What industry does Mohawk Industries belong to?
Mohawk Industries is in the industry of: Household Goods, Consumer Goods, Manufacturing
What is Mohawk Industries competition?
Mohawk Industries top competitors include: Shaw Industries Group, Milliken, Victoria PLC, Engineered Floors
What companies has Mohawk Industries acquired?
Mohawk Industries has acquired the companies: Daltile Design Gallery, The Mohawk Group, Cattaneo e Cattaneo Rappresentanze, Unilin Insulation
What technology does Mohawk Industries use?
Some of the popular technologies that Mohawk Industries uses are: Solidworks, AudioEye, Mainsaver, Microsoft IIS
Who is the CEO of Mohawk Industries?
Mohawk Industries's CEO is April Chisum
Who is the CFO of Mohawk Industries?
Mohawk Industries's CFO is Nick Manthey
How do I contact Mohawk Industries?
Mohawk Industries contact info: Phone number: (706) 629-7721 Website: mohawkind.com
What does Mohawk Industries do?

Mohawk Industries, Inc. designs, manufactures, sources, distributes, and markets flooring products for residential and commercial remodeling, and new construction channels in the United States, Europe, Latin America, and internationally. It operates through three segments: Global Ceramic, Flooring North America, and Flooring Rest of the World. The... company provides ceramic, porcelain, and natural stone tiles products for floor and wall applications; natural stones, porcelain slabs, and quartz countertops, as well as installation materials; floor covering products comprising broadloom carpets, carpet tiles, rugs and mats, carpet pads, laminates, medium-density fiberboards, wood floorings, luxury vinyl tiles, and sheet vinyl; and roofing panels, insulation boards, mezzanine flooring products, medium-density fiberboard, and chipboards. It also licenses its intellectual property to flooring manufacturers. The company sells its products under the American Olean, Daltile, Decortiles, Eliane, EmilGroup, KAI, Kerama Marazzi, Marazzi, Ragno, Aladdin Commercial, Durkan, Foss, IVC, Karastan, Mohawk, Mohawk Group, Mohawk Home, Pergo, Portico, Quick-Step, Feltex, GH Commercial, Godfrey Hirst, Hycraft, IVC Commercial, IVC Home, Lentex, Leoline, and Moduleo, Redbook, Unilin, and Vitromex brands. It offers its products to company-owned service centers and stores, company-operated distributors, floor covering retailers, wholesalers, mass merchandisers, department stores, shop at home, buying groups, ceramic tile specialists, e-commerce retailers, residential builders, independent distributors, commercial contractors, and commercial end users. The company was incorporated in 1988 and is headquartered in Calhoun, Georgia.Read More

What are Mohawk Industries social media links?
Mohawk Industries Linkedin page Mohawk Industries Twitter page Mohawk Industries Facebook page
How much funding has Mohawk Industries raised to date?
Mohawk Industries has raised $40.5 Million in 1 funding round
When was the last funding round for Mohawk Industries?
Mohawk Industries closed its last funding round on Apr 02, 1992 with the amount of $40.5 Million
Is Mohawk Industries a public company?
Yes, Mohawk Industries is a public company and is traded under the symbol MHK
See more information about Mohawk Industries

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