MAI Capital Management
Finance · Ohio, United States · 298 Employees
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6050 Oak Tree Blvd Ste 500, Cleveland, Ohio, 44...Phone Number
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$67.3 MillionIndustry
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Who is MAI Capital Management
MAI Capital Management is a fee-based wealth management firm providing planning and investment advisory services. Our recommendations are objective and centered on assisting you to achieve your goals. MAIs investment, planning and tax professionals will collaborate with you to develop, implement and monitor a financial plan tailored to meet your unique and individual needs.Read more
Popular SearchesMai Capital Management LLCMAI Capital ManagementMai LLCMai IncMai Plumbing Company IncSIC Code 62,628NAICS Code 52,523Show moreMAI Capital Management Org Chart
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MAI Capital Management Appoints New Chief Financial Officer and Chief Digital and Technology Officer
CLEVELAND--(BUSINESS WIRE)--MAI Capital Management today announced two new additions to its c-suite executive team, Philip Noftsinger as CFO and JP Pattinson as CD&TO.MAI Capital Management Announces Leadership Changes to Reflect and Maintain Growth Trajectory
CLEVELAND--(BUSINESS WIRE)--MAI Capital Management, LLC (“MAI”) today announced a strategic realignment of the organization’s leadership team as part of the firm’s continued commitment to driving growth and making a significant and positive impact on the lives and well-being of clients. MAI is a leading registered investment advisory firm focused on empowering clients to simplify, protect, and grow their wealth through objective advice, tailored planning, and integrated services and solutions.MAI Capital Management Acquires Harbor Wealth Management
CLEVELAND--(BUSINESS WIRE)--MAI Capital Management today announced the acquisition of Harbor Wealth Management.
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding MAI Capital Management
MAI Capital Management is a fee-based wealth management firm providing planning and investment advisory services. Our recommendations are objective and centered on assisting you to achieve your goals. MAIs investment, planning and tax professionals will collaborate with you to develop, implement and monitor a financial plan tailored to meet your un... Read More