LSC Communications
Business Services · Illinois, United States · 22,000 Employees
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4101 Winfield Rd, Warrenville, Illinois, 60555,...Phone Number
(844) 572-5720Website
$3.5 BillionIndustry
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Who is LSC Communications
Founded in 2016, LSC Communications provides both traditional and digital print services, print-related services, and office products to publishers , merchandisers and retailers around the world. The company is headquartered in Warrenville, Illinois.Read more
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LSC Communications uses at least 5 email formats with first.last (ex. being used 49.8% of the time
LSC Communications Email Formats | Percentage | |
first.last | | 49.8% |
first.middle initials.last | | 30.1% |
first initials + last initials | | 1.5% |
first + last initials | | 0.9% |
first | | 0.9% |
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LSC Communications News & Media
ENRU™ Logistics and Postal Optimization is building on the success of Co-Mail Services and expanding its market reach as a digital-first supply chain solutions partner. KODI COLLECTIVE™ Marketing Execution Services is comprised of LSC short- and medium-volume print, Digital Lizard digital...LSC Communications' Book Division Renamed Lakeside Book Company
NORWALK, Conn., June 7, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- LSC Communications announced today that its Book Division, the largest book producer in the United States, will now operate as Lakeside Book Company ("Lakeside"). In addition to book manufacturing, Lakeside provides distribution, sales and...Atlas Holdings Acquires LSC Communications
GREENWICH, Conn.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Atlas Holdings announced today that it has completed its acquisition of substantially all of the assets of LSC Communications, Inc. (“LSC”), a North American leader in print and digital media solutions. The transaction concludes a court-supervised sale process, pursuant to Section 363 of the U.S. Bankruptcy code. LSC is the largest producer of books in the United States and a leading manufacturer and distributor of magazines, catalogs and office products. FormLSC Communications Receives Court Approval for Sale to Atlas Holdings and Supporting Creditors
CHICAGO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--LSC Communications, Inc. (OTCQX: LKSD) (“LSC” or the “Company”) today announced that the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of New York (the “Court”) has approved its previously announced stock and asset purchase agreement, under which an affiliate of Atlas Holdings LLC (“Atlas””) with the support of certain of LSC’s secured creditors (the “Creditor Group”), will acquire substantially all of the Company’s assets. “With the Court’s approval of the sale, we
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding LSC Communications
Founded in 2016, LSC Communications provides both traditional and digital print services, print-related services, and office products to publishers, merchandisers and retailers around the world. The company is headquartered in Warrenville, Illinois.... Read More