Japan Geoscience Union
Federal · Japan · 77 Employees
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Yayoi 2-4-16, Yayoi, Tokyo, 113-0032, JapanPhone Number
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Who is Japan Geoscience Union
JpGU was founded in 2005 after the first Geosciences Meeting held at Tokyo Institute of Technology's Ookayama Campus in 1990. Combining around 50 a cademic societies, it is the largest academic organisation of earth and planetary science and related fields. Representing Japan in the international arena, JpGU has partnerships around the world with associations such as the American Geophysical Union (AGU), the European Geoscience Union (EGU) and the Asian Oceania Geoscience Society (AOGS). The JpGU-AGU joint meeting at which the Miyake Prize award ceremony was to take place was scheduled to be held in Makuhari in May 2020, but due to the coronavirus pandemic, the conference is postponed until July and will be conducted remotely. Despite these setbacks, Prof. Yoshida remains pleased and looks forward to receiving the Miyake Prize. "This year, the prize was scheduled to be awarded at the 30th memorial and JpGU-AGU joint meeting. The details of the award ceremony are not clear yet, but since it will be conducted safely in terms of time, place, method, etc., it will be a great honour no matter what the form is." "Of course, winning the Miyake Prize was not something I could do by myself. It was also thanks to all the support from my colleagues and laboratory staff, students, many collaborators in Japan and abroad, and our university faculty and staff. I would like to explicitly thank you all."Read more
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Japan Geoscience Union
JpGU was founded in 2005 after the first Geosciences Meeting held at Tokyo Institute of Technology's Ookayama Campus in 1990. Combining around 50 academic societies, it is the largest academic organisation of earth and planetary science and related fields. Representing Japan in the international arena, JpGU has partnerships around the world with as... Read More