In Bloom Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine offers a natural and holistic approach to medicine, that promotes healing and wellness through healthy alt ernatives to traditional medicine. We strongly feel that it is our responsibility as healthcare practitioners to encourage and to educate our patients to take care of their own health. Let the healing process begin with us! In Bloom Acupuncture is owned by licensed acupuncturist Tara McCormick. I received a masters degree in acupuncture at the Seattle Institute of Oriental Medicine and completed a 2 year Chinese herbal program at the Jade Institute In Seattle WA. I fell in love with Chinese medicine many years ago as I had been dealing with my own health issues. Acupuncture and herbs had really made a big impact in my healing process. After my first treatment I was hooked for life. I give individualized treatments for each person which includes lifestyle and diet counseling. I like to educate patients on how to balance their body with the seasons and their body constitution to prevent health issues and pain in the future. I believe the emotional well being of my patients is very important for overall health and cannot be overlooked. I recently spent 3 weeks in Nepal with the non profit "Open Hands Medicine" where I treated Buddhist monks, nuns and villagers for mostly pain issues. Up to 20 patients a day were treated in a community style setting with 4 other acupuncturists. I am very passionate about Chinese medicine and feel very lucky to be able to help people in this way. I will include some or all of these modalities in my treatments: acupuncture, moxabustion, cupping, essential oils, and herbal medicine (granules, pills, plasters, and liniments). I am also certified to do facial rejuvenation acupuncture treatments which can help you look up to 15 years younger. "When you touch one thing with deep awareness,Read more
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