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Hyundai Motor Company

Manufacturing · South Korea · 73,502 Employees

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12 Heolleung-ro Yangjae-dong, Seocho-gu, Seoul,...

Phone Number

+852 21553999


$125.4 Billion

Stock Symbol



Motor Vehicles Manufacturing

Who is Hyundai Motor Company

Hyundai Motor Company is an automobile manufacturer, producing compact and luxury cars, SUVs, minivans, trucks, buses, and other commercial vehicle s. Hyundai Motor Company is headquartered in Seoul, South Korea.Read more

Hyundai Motor Company's Social MediaPopular SearchesHyundai Motor CoHyundai MotorHyundai Motor AmericaHyundai Motorsport GmbHHyundai Motor FinanceSIC Code 55,551NAICS Code 33,336Ticker OTC:HYMLFShow more

Hyundai Motor Company Org Chart

Chul Hwan

Chief Executive Officer

Byung Rhim

Chief Operating Officer, International Busine...

Thomas Schemera

Global Chief Marketing Officer & Head of Cust...



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Hyundai Motor Company Email Formats

Hyundai Motor Company uses at least 5 email formats with first.last (ex. John.Smith@hmmausa.com) being used 35.3% of the time

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Hyundai Motor Company Employee Growth Rate

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Hyundai Motor Company Tech Stack

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Hyundai Motor Company

Where is Hyundai Motor Company located?
Hyundai Motor Company's headquarters are located at 12 Heolleung-ro Yangjae-dong, Seocho-gu, Seoul, South Korea
What is Hyundai Motor Company's phone number?
Hyundai Motor Company's phone number is +852 21553999
What is Hyundai Motor Company's stock symbol?
Hyundai Motor Company's stock symbol is HYMLF
What is Hyundai Motor Company's official website?
Hyundai Motor Company's official website is hyundai.com
What is Hyundai Motor Company's Revenue?
Hyundai Motor Company's revenue is $125.4 Billion
What is Hyundai Motor Company's SIC code?
Hyundai Motor Company's SIC: 55,551
What is Hyundai Motor Company's NAICS code?
Hyundai Motor Company's NAICS: 33,336
How many employees does Hyundai Motor Company have?
Hyundai Motor Company has 73,502 employees
What industry does Hyundai Motor Company belong to?
Hyundai Motor Company is in the industry of: Motor Vehicles, Manufacturing
What is Hyundai Motor Company competition?
Hyundai Motor Company top competitors include: Kia, Mazda Motor, Ford, GM
What companies has Hyundai Motor Company acquired?
Hyundai Motor Company has acquired the companies: Boston, PT Paramitra Multifinance, Home Mortgage Company of America, Hyundai Dealer Groblersdal
What technology does Hyundai Motor Company use?
Some of the popular technologies that Hyundai Motor Company uses are: AudioEye, Microsoft IIS, CATIA, Facebook Web Custom Audiences
Who is the CEO of Hyundai Motor Company?
Hyundai Motor Company's CEO is Chul Hwan
Who is the CFO of Hyundai Motor Company?
Hyundai Motor Company's CFO is Hongshik Chin
Who is the CTO of Hyundai Motor Company?
Hyundai Motor Company's CTO is C.K. Park
How do I contact Hyundai Motor Company?
Hyundai Motor Company contact info: Phone number: +852 21553999 Website: hyundai.com
What does Hyundai Motor Company do?

Hyundai Motor Company is an automobile manufacturer, producing compact and luxury cars, SUVs, minivans, trucks, buses, and other commercial vehicles. Hyundai Motor Company is headquartered in Seoul, South Korea.... Read More

What are Hyundai Motor Company social media links?
Hyundai Motor Company Linkedin page Hyundai Motor Company Twitter page Hyundai Motor Company Facebook page
Is Hyundai Motor Company a public company?
Yes, Hyundai Motor Company is a public company and is traded under the symbol HYMLF
See more information about Hyundai Motor Company

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