Grand Rapids Art Museum
Hospitality · Michigan, United States · 74 Employees
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101 Monroe Center St NW, Grand Rapids, Michigan...Phone Number
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Who is Grand Rapids Art Museum
Established in 1910. Connecting people through art, creativity, and design. On June 1, 1910, a constitution was adopted establishing the Art Associ ation of Grand Rapids, which eventually became the Grand Rapids Art Museum. Mrs. Cyrus E. Perkins, founding President and cultural leader, stated: "I want to emphasize the fact that this is a city wide movement. Membership is open to all citizens and everyone is urged to interest their friends and acquaintances who want to further the establishment of a strong Art Association, which shall eventually lead to a valuable art collection for our city." Over 100 years later, GRAM continues to build on the ideas and aims articulated at our origin, while expanding the reach of our mission and vision.Read more
Popular SearchesGrand Rapids Art MuseumGrand Rapids Art Museum FoundationArt Art Art LLCGramGrand Rapids Art Museum StoreSIC Code 84,841NAICS Code 71,712Show moreGrand Rapids Art Museum Org Chart
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Grand Rapids Art Museum
Established in 1910. Connecting people through art, creativity, and design. On June 1, 1910, a constitution was adopted establishing the Art Association of Grand Rapids, which eventually became the Grand Rapids Art Museum. Mrs. Cyrus E. Perkins, founding President and cultural leader, stated: "I want to emphasize the fact that this is a city wide m... Read More