Gould Landscapes
Architecture, Engineering & Design · United Kingdom · 109 Employees
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8a Trident Business Park Holman Way, Nuneaton, ...Phone Number
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Who is Gould Landscapes
The organisation aim is to promote an expanding range of individual and multi-services to our existing and potential clients. In addition to this i t aims to provide these services in a manner which conforms to the contract specification of its client, and any applicable statutory and regulatory requirements. The company is committed to a structured approach to Health and Safety Management Systems ensuring compliance with ISO 45001, legal requirements and other recommendations of Good Practice. Gould Landscapes Ltd is predominantly a service industry supplying labour only services to our clients. We will do our utmost to promote environmental awareness amongst our many and varied clients and actively encourage them to adopt best environmental practice and co-operate with those that have environmental management systems in place where there is sound commercial and technical rational. Goulds recognises that management of the companys own energy consumption and improvements, need to make efficiencies which will make sound business sense and demonstrates a commitment to the principles of sustainability and managed energy usage. Gould Landscapes Ltd is accredited within the Contractors Health and Safety Assessment Scheme (CHAS) having demonstrated compliance with and sound management of current health and safety legislation. Gould Landscapes Ltd operates through Area and Site Managers; each one being responsible for the health, safety and welfare of our employees paying particular attention to: The carrying out of all appropriate risk and COSHH assessments. Provision and maintenance of plant, equipment, and systems of work that are safe and without risk to injury or ill health. Arrangements for ensuring safety and absence of risks to health in connection with the use, handling, storage and transport of all materials and substances. Provision of such information, instruction, training and supervision as is necessary. Maintenance of any place of work in a condition that is safe and without risk to ill health so far ...Read more
Popular SearchesGould Landscapes LtdGould LandscapesGouldLandscapesGouldlandscapes CoSIC Code 87,871NAICS Code 54,541Show moreGould Landscapes Org Chart
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Gould Landscapes
The organisation aim is to promote an expanding range of individual and multi-services to our existing and potential clients. In addition to this it aims to provide these services in a manner which conforms to the contract specification of its client, and any applicable statutory and regulatory requirements. The company is committed to a structured... Read More