The Gender and Disaster Network is an educational and advocacy project initiated by women and men interested in gender relations in disaster contex ts. It emerged from an early morning meeting during the July 1997 Natural Hazards Research and Applications Center workshop in Boulder, Colorado. GDN became the major outcome of the 'Women's Disaster Research Caucus' meeting convened by Barbara Vogt, between 7 and 8.30 am on 16 July 1997. The Agenda items included: 1) How to netowrk more effectively; 2) How to promote young women professionals; 3) How to promote women and gender issues as legitimate research topics; and 4) Using web-based resources for communication. We have come a long way since then! Who were the founding members ? If you were there that morning and dont mind being listed on the website, please email your name (and photo) to We use the Internet and other forms of new media in support of a global network of researchers and practitioners. However, we recognize that communications technology is not fully or easily accessible and that we must continue reaching out to work in many languages and contexts. -document and analyze women's and men's experiences before, during, and after disaster, situating gender relations in broad political, economic, historical, and cultural context Toward this end, we continue to develop and maintain the Gender and Disaster Network website as an international forum for discussion, networking, and information exchange. Our site is currently maintained by the GDN Web Coordinator, Maureen Fordham, at the Centre for Gender and Disaster , Institute for Risk and Disaster Reduction , University College London (UCL) In its earliest days the GDN site was managed by Nicole Dash at the International Hurricane Center, Florida International University.Read more
Gender and Disaster Network's Social MediaPopular SearchesGender and Disaster NetworkGDN Bangladesh Country HubGDNonline.orgGenderIRDR Centre for Gender and DisasterSIC Code 86,83NAICS Code 81,813Show more